007; only a little

327 15 2

third person.

walking downstairs of the seavey house the next morning. rayleigh could smell someone cooking what smelled like delicious food.

"oh he can sing and cook what else can the famous daniel seavey do?" she joked sitting at the bar in the kitchen.

"haha very funny, would you like some food?" he asked as he put some food onto a plate.

"only if its good."

"it looks good to me." he placed it in front of her as she took the fork and took a bit. "you pass my test."

he grabbed his plate and sat down next to her. as they continued to eat, christian cane down the stairs, "wow couldn't make me breakfast."

"the stove is still warm if you want anything." daniel replied.

"no i'm good i was just messing with you." he looked to daniel's left where rayleigh was sitting. "rayleigh right?"

she nodded in response to him, "you're zach's friend from texas, that got slapped by his crazy ass girlfriend."

rayleigh and daniel both laughed, "thats me. wouldn't want to be known as anyone else."

"sorry i just only remember some of the night." he laughed to himself before looking in the fridge.

"do you want to go home or what do you want to do?" daniel asked her. she shrugged in response.

"doesn't matter to me." rayleigh rubbed the back of her neck as daniel stood up and grabbing their plates.

he sighed placing the plates in the sink. "i feel like you want to go home?"

"sort of but it doesn't matter."

"i'll go grab your dress and my keys and i can take you home." rayleigh nodded as daniel went upstairs to his room and grabbed the stuff.

"so heard you kissed him. was it actually good. that boy hasn't kissed a girl in like six months." christian asked as he poured himself a glass of water.

"how do you kn-"

"i know everything that happens here." he paused looking up at the girl across the counter from him. "seems as if you're ignoring the rest of my question."

"i never kiss and tell." she said with a smirk as daniel walked downstairs.

"i'll be back christian."

"don't have to much. if you know what i mean." he laughed at his joke as they walked out the front door rolling their eyes.

the car ride was slightly silent with music playing. they were about ten minutes away from her apartment when daniel moved his hand closer to raylighe's. she quickly noticed and moved her hand towards his as their hands soon connected.

he parked in front of her. "i've got your number right?" he asked the girl pulling out his phone. "this you're number? i stole it from zach one day."

"yeah thats me." she smiled softy has her hand went to the door handle to open it.

"okay bye hope you fun that night well until everything happened. make sure you text zach he'll be worried about." she nodded before softly saying bye and opening the door and walking into her apartment complex.



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