Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


Two days later, we were back at home and I had a lot of catching up on work to do. It was Sunday, and tomorrow classes started again, and to say the least I was nervous. We were getting our thesis' back tomorrow and I had a feeling I did not do well. Clay insured me that it sounded good and it was going to impress Dr. Baker, but honestly, I wasn't so sure.

I was also in a terrible mood since the news Liv brought up to me. She was sugar coating it when explaining Spencer to her family. Spencer was not just some guy that has a crush on her. He was weirdly obsessed with Liv. He always made a point of wanting to be with her. I wasn't too worried about her because she kept her distance, but now she couldn't, and she didn't have a choice but to see him and sing with him.

I spent my days and nights at Liv's apartment, and I contemplated giving my two months notice and just move into her place. Liv was keeping quiet and just sang quietly to herself the song. She tried to get me to sing it with her so she could memorize the lyrics, but I'm so tone deaf she said it just made her mess up.

Liv was distancing herself from me, and I didn't know why. She was moody, and irritable and every little thing I said to her she snapped.

Tuesday was the first day that her and Spencer were supposed to rehearse. I was at work with Dad and had to stay late because of a meeting. When I got home, I entered the apartment and saw her sitting at the dining room table.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek. "Hey, love. Sorry I'm late. Dad and I were in a meeting. Where's Spencer?"

She turned her tear-streaked cheeks on me and said, "Do you want to tell me something?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "No? Is there something wrong?"

She stood up and crossed her arms. "Don't you dare fucking lie to me, Will. I swear to God."

I raised my hands. "Liv, I swear I didn't do anything. What happened?"

She scoffed. "So those messages to her aren't from you?"

I was confused.

"What messages, baby?" I asked, trying to hold her arm.

She whipped around and grabbed my laptop. "These messages, you asshole."

On the screen were messages to Abbey from me on Facebook. The same Facebook I haven't used in weeks.

"I...don't understand. What is this?" I asked, skimming through the messages.

"Please." She laughed. "You're telling me you never sent these?"

"No, Liv, I've never sent these messages."

Her cheeks were flushed bright red and her lips were turned like she ate something sour. I was in serious shit for something I didn't do. She took the laptop from my hands and recited a few sentences.

"I miss you, baby. Olivia is nothing compared to you. I still love you and want to marry you. I want to move to France with you, have kids with you. The sex with her is nothing like what it was with you." She paused and glared at me. My lips teeth clenched. She kept going. "She replied, I miss you too and I still love you, but you have to make sure this is what you want. You can't be flip-flopping between me and Olivia. You replied, I choose you, Abbey. Please come home to me.... Must I continue on?"

"Liv, I'm telling you the truth. I didn't send these messages to her." I paused. "I don't call you Olivia."

She laughed. "Get the fuck out of my house, Will. We're done. I asked you to tell me, and you didn't. All the evidence is pointing to you right now. These were sent during our vacation away with the family. The same day you were working on your thesis. Who was texting you that day, Will? I saw you look at your phone and ignore the messages."

I could see my world crashing underneath me. I was dizzy. I would never hurt Liv. I would never cheat on her. I would never have messaged Abbey again. Liv is the only one I want.

"I promise you; I know it looks like I did it, but I'm telling you I didn't. Please trust me. Please believe me." Tears sprung to my eyes. "I didn't do it. Please don't leave me, Liv."

She handed me the laptop back and pointed to the door. "Get out." I opened my mouth to say something, but she yelled, "Get out! Just leave, Will! Let me go!"

My head hung as my numb legs left her apartment. I numbly opened my apartment door and sunk to the floor in an emotional heap.

I lost her. I thought. How the fuck did this happen?

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