Chapter Eight

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I was at work, waiting tables and grabbing food from the kitchen. It was busy today and my boss was on my ass after I took so much time off the past few weeks. I took time off to focus on my schooling. I had a big assignment due in two days and the song wasn't even half finished.

I smiled as I put the food on my one customer's table. "Here's your food, guys. Enjoy."

I wiped my hands on my yellow apron on my waist on my way into the back kitchen and took my phone out of my rear pocket. It was finally time for my break. I glanced at my phone and rolled my eyes. Will called me and texted me plenty of times. Each text I deleted without looking at them. I didn't care what he had to say to me. I was done listening. Or lack there of.

The door to the break room opened and I glanced up from my phone to see Will standing there, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back on my phone, ignoring him. He sat in front of me and took my phone out of my hands.

"What?" I snapped.

He raised a brow and looked through my phone. "So, you've been ignoring me on purpose, then."

"Of course I have!" I laughed sarcastically. "You're the type that fucks and leaves without saying anything."

He glared at me.

"What?" I snapped once again. "Are you going to deny it?"

"You should have read my texts, Liv." He sighed in defeat. "They were important."

I laughed. "Oh, yeah, so important."

"I'm sorry, okay?" He growled. "I didn't mean to just leave you after. I'm dealing with a lot mentally right now and I don't need you being pissed at me."

I shook my head. This was Trenton all over again.

This was the second time in my life that I have been screwed and left high and dry. Or high and wet, if you want to get technical. I was through being the person who people just dumped. I needed to start looking out for me and only me. Fuck everyone else. I was the most important person in my life.

"I cheated on Abbey with you. A girl that I have been friends with since birth and I feel like shit. I really need my best friend right now."

I glanced at him and rolled my eyes when I saw the look of regret on his face. I turned to face him and let everything out of my system. Maybe then I could move on.

"I have had feelings for you since I can last remember. That night you kissed me after the Trenton incident was a night I will never forget. You confessed your feelings for me and then we never talked about them again." I crossed my arms. "Of course, we shared knowing glances here and there at that time but as soon as you met Abbey, you just left me and forgot all about me. Do you remember what you said to me that night?"

He nodded, swallowing.

"You did the same thing to me last night, Will!" I yelled, my voice breaking. "You made me feel like I had a chance with you after all these years and then you just leave me. You told me to wait for you. Well, I'm waiting! I'm still waiting after years and years of wanting to date you and have a relationship with you."

He nodded again.

"I want to choose you, Will. I have always chosen you." I took a deep breath. "I'm tired of being the second choice to everyone. I want to be someone's first choice. I have only had two boyfriends in my life. You have ruined dating for me. No man has ever compared to you." I paused, wiping tears away. "And now you've ruined sex for me! The only thing I had that I didn't have with you, you ruined! Nothing will ever compare to my feelings for you."

He nodded.

I was getting pissed off with all this damn nodding and not speaking.

"Say something!" I screamed, pushing his chest. "Say something to make me hate you!"

He grabbed my hands and held them at my sides. "I'm sorry that I found someone I love, Olivia. And I'm sorry it wasn't you. I don't regret us having sex, but I do regret doing it when I'm engaged." He paused, releasing a deep breath. "I can't get you out of my head. I can't stop thinking about you and thinking of the night we shared. I want to have more with you."

My heart stopped at his words.

"But I can't, Liv."

My heart snapped in a million pieces.

He reached to hug me. I backed away and glared at him.

"Don't you dare hug me right now." I said. "I'm done waiting for you, Will."

He winced, his eyes sad. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head and grabbed my purse and phone. "It's me or her. You can't choose her and be friends with me. I can't be around you both anymore."

He swallowed and looked away from me. "That's not fair."

"What's not fair is for you to fuck me and then want nothing more!" I yelled, the anger back in place of sadness. "You're such a coward. Was I just a screw to get out of your system until you can see Abbey again? Was jerking off not good enough for you that you couldn't help yourself?" I paused, watching his expression turned furious. "I'm glad you finally got your dick wet, Will. Maybe now you can respect the women that you're around."

"Olivia!" He yelled at me. "That's enough!"

"Choose, Will!" I screamed, approaching him head on. "Me or her!"

"Her!" He yelled. His nostrils flared, and his face twisted in pain.

My lips parted, and eyes widened. Without another word, I walked out of the breakroom and drove home heartbroken.

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