Chapter Five

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Two months went by, and I only heard from Abbey three times and in those three times, it was within the first week. Each conversation was getting shorter and shorter. I knew she was busy, but damn, no matter how many times I tried to call her or text her, she only got back to me when I was sleeping. It seemed like we couldn't get a break in between our classes and jobs. Also, a guy has needs and mine were not being sated. No matter how much jerking off I did, it was ever enough.

So, when you think about it, I haven't heard from her in seven weeks. I have been hanging out with Liv basically everyday and it was feeling like old times when she would sleep over at my house and me at hers.

I was busy working part-time at my dad's company, doing some finances for him. Math was my strong subject and Dad made me really use and abuse it. Mom offered me a spot working under her, but I'd much rather be sitting at a desk doing math than attending wedding meetings and organizing things. My mother was a saint.

As I was sitting in Dad's office, my desk and chair across from his, he sighed and ran a hand through his greying black hair. His glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose as he looked at a T4 in front of him. This was one of those times I was glad I wasn't in accounting.

I glanced up at him and raised a brow. "What's the matter?"

Dad shook his head. "Just tired of telling the same clients repeatedly that they need to have all of their T4s. On their paystubs, it's showing three different companies they work for."

My cellphone rang. My heart raced with adrenaline, thinking it was Abbey. I was annoyed when I looked at the caller ID and saw Liv's name and face on my phone. Dad motioned for me to answer it—after all, he was my boss.

I held the phone up to my ear. "Hey, Liv."

"Hey!" She greeted, probably smiling dopily like she usually does. "What are your plans tonight?"

"Porn, pizza and beers." I deadpanned. Dad shot me a glare. I just stuck my tongue out at him and winked. "Why?"

"Oh, no reason..." She trailed off. I waited for her to talk again. "Okay, fine. Want to come over for a movie tonight? It is our night after all." 

Since that day I showed up with her in the bath, we have made every Friday a movie night with pizza and alcohol of some kind. We used to do that as kids, sans alcohol, and I honestly enjoyed my time with her.

My heart fluttered in my chest, and nervousness set over me. I loved hanging out with Liv, but I always got these feelings before Friday night. It was similar to anticipation.

"Yeah, I'll be there." I chuckled. "What movie tonight?"

"I was thinking Thor, but I'm open to suggestions."

I rolled my eyes. " many times have we seen that movie?"

"IknowIknowIknow!" She drawled. "I love those movies though."

"I'll get back to you on what movie I want to watch." I chuckled. "Maybe there's one on Netflix that we've never watched before?"

"Fine." She huffed. "We'll decide when you get here."

"Okay, I'm at work and Dad is giving me the death glare." I glanced up at him and saw his arms crossed, his glasses now resting on top of his head. "I'll text you when I'm on my way. Bye, Liv."


I hung up and looked at Dad. "What?"

He shook his head and pulled out his phone, probably texting my mom. "I just think it's funny, that's all."

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