Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


Spencer reached for the door. "Olivia, before I leave, I should tell you I haven't been one-hundred percent honest with you."

I raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

"Well, my family is very close to Abbeygail's. During a family get together, we were talking about her past relationship with William." He paused. He bit his lips, drawing in his silver hoop lip piercing. "She indulged in the messages she received from him within the past two weeks. I think it'd be only fair if you were aware of it. Unless you already are?"

"No, I'm not aware of any of this."

He winced and showed screenshots between Will and Abbey. I read the messages over, and over again with tears welling in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Olivia." He said sadly. "I can't imagine what you are feeling."

I nodded. "Thank you... um..." I swallowed. "I'll keep practicing and see you next week."

Spencer nodded and left my apartment.

* * *

Rehearsals are the only thing that helped me maintain my composure. It has been two weeks since I broke up with Will and I've been an emotional wreck. I've been throwing up for the past three days, barely able to eat. My mom and dad have been my saviours. I've been staying at their house for the past two weeks. It was too painful to be at my house and sleeping in the bed that Will and I shared.

I couldn't understand why he would message Abbey that and then tell me he didn't do it. Was I that stupid?

The sad part is that I found out about the messages from Spencer. When he came over, we rehearsed and before he left, he told me about the messages.

I was in the bathroom, throwing up for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last two weeks. I wasn't as emotional as I was before, which was good, but it seemed to still be taking a toll on my digestive system.

My mom was beside me, holding my hair back. "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test just in case, Liv."

I shook my head. "I'm not pregnant. There's no way."

I sat back on my heels and flushed the toilet. I stood up brushed my teeth. I saw Mom in the mirror, crossing her arms.

"Can you just humour me?" She asked.

"Fine. I'll humour you, but there's no way it's going to be positive."

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The test shook in my hands as I walked toward the toilet. After I took it, I placed it on the counter and set a timer on my phone for five minutes. I opened the door for my mom to join me.

"I can't watch." I told her and covered my eyes.

The five minutes it took for the results to come up on the little stick, were the longest five minutes of my life. My lip was gnawed raw, and my mom had her nails in her mouth, eyes fixated on the test. The phone timer went off and our eyes went wide.

On the screen were two pink lines. I was pregnant.

* * *

I waited at the doctor's office with my mom. We hadn't told my dad about the test results. I'm pretty sure if he knew, he would show up at Will's doorstep. I was a mess. My hair in a messy bun, eyes dark, nail beds chewed, oversized sweater and leggings.

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