Chapter Six

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Why does he keep looking at me like that?

It was seriously messing with my emotions. Here he was, looking fine as hell in a white dress shirt and dark blue dress pants, and here I was looking like an absolute bum in my pajama shirt and hair in a messy bun. If I would have known he was going to wear his work clothes, I would have looked a little bit more presentable.

Will's eyes drifted toward my lips and I felt them part before I could stop it. He was so attractive, I was instantly wet. His dimples on his cheeks and the beauty mark above his right upper lip was the deal breaker. I was never going to get over this guy.

I was still seeing Trenton. And by "seeing", I meant screwing. I knew he wanted to take it further, but I wasn't going to commit to a relationship if I was still in love with another man. Trenton was hot, but I didn't want anything serious right now. Unless it was with Will, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Will took his eyes off my lips and motioned toward the TV. "Shall we?"

I nodded, and plopped on the couch. I turned on my PlayStation and launched Netflix. I played games, but I mostly used it for my Netflix addiction. I drank some of my beer while I scrolled through my suggestions box.

Will sat beside me and grabbed a slice of pizza. He took a bite. "What are you feeling?" He mumbled around the food in his mouth. "I'm thinking an action flick that we haven't seen before."

I groaned. "But the rewatches are always the best. I can quote all of the lines and you can make fun of me when I fuck it up."

"That's why I want to watch a new one, silly." He laughed. "You're always so interruptive during a movie."

My jaw dropped as I looked at him. He couldn't be serious. I clutched my chest and gasped. "I have never been more offended in my life than I am right now."

Will laughed, throwing his head back. "You know I love your quirks."

"Then why are you telling me to cool it?" I yelled, laughing and hitting his arm. "I don't get mad at you for not laughing at the funny parts."

He rolled his eyes. "They're not all funny, Liv."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "How about we watch this?"

His eyes drifted to the screen and saw the name Magic Mike XXL on the screen. I wiggled my eyebrows. He tackled me, trying to grab the controller out of my hands. I held it over my head and laughed as he reached forward to grab it. He was unsuccessful even though there was a huge height advantage.

"I'm not watching that!" He growled, trying to get more leverage, his body covering mine.

"But you said you were going to watch porn anyways!" I laughed. "This is basically porn! I won't judge you for jerking it."

"And you're the one who said no porn!" He laughed and finally grabbed the controller from my hands. I huffed and crossed my arms. He kneeled above me, grinning. I watched as his eyes drifted to my boobs, taking them in as I rested them on my forearms unintentionally.

I grew hot as I felt his gaze burning a hole through me. I licked my lips, trying to hide my erect nipples from his view. His hand ran up my thigh, causing my limb to shake.

My face immediately heated. I shouldn't be turned on by the slightest touch.

Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. I chanted in my head. Pleasepleaseplease.

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