Chapter Eleven

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I was cleaning off the table after lunch when Dad motioned to me that he wanted to speak to me. I walked toward him and went into Ahren's office. Dad motioned for me to sit down. I sat down slowly, questioning his motive.

"We need to have a serious talk, Will." Dad started, and took a seat behind Ahren's desk, folding his hands in front of him on the desk. "Where have you been for the past few weeks?"

"I've been at home, Dad." I hesitated. "Why?"

"We haven't heard from you in a while, but we've heard plenty from Kim. We know you're close with her, so we were just shocked that we've heard nothing from you. Do you have anything you want to tell us?" Dad crossed his arms and gave me a knowing look.

"Uh, no?"

"I have four kids, William, I'm not dumb." Dad sighed. "You slept with Olivia, didn't you?"

I nodded, hanging my head slightly. Dad was silent, and I looked up to see him grinning. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're happy about that?"

"Your Mom won a bet." Dad sighed. "I liked Abbey, but I like Olivia more, son. I'm not proud of the way you discovered your feelings for her, but you and Abbey broke it off now. You should never have done that with Liv while still being engaged to Abbey."

"I know, Dad." I murmured, and scrubbed my face with my hands. "I'm not happy about it either. I couldn't get Liv out of my head. I still can't. But now she isn't giving me the time of day and she's dating Trenton."

Dad ruffled my hair. "You need to tell her how you feel, Will. She'll never know if you don't tell her."

Dad led me out of the room as soon as Liv and her parents came out of her old bedroom. My lips parted when I took in her appearance again. She was absolutely stunning in her dress, heels, her hair, he cleavage. Everything was perfect.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked before I even had the chance to ask.

I nodded, and she pulled me into her bedroom and shut the door behind us. As soon as the door was closed, she pushed my body against it and kissed me softly. I moaned and shoved my hands in her beautiful hair. Her tongue enveloped my mouth and tangled with mine.

I pulled away and held her cheeks in my hands. "What about Trenton?"

"No, I want you." She breathed. "It's always just been you."

I smiled into our next kiss, her cheeks still in my hands. She quivered when I bit her lip softly, happy to finally kiss her again. Her soft lips molded into mine and let me take charge. I broke the kiss.

"What are you doing with Trenton?" I asked, wanting to make sure she still wanted this. "You're going to break up with him?"

She led me over to the bed and pulled me down. She rested her body on top of him and my hands drifted to her waist, her dress riding up. "We were never official. We were still only messing around. On the way here, he told me he was falling for me." She frowned. "I told him I wasn't looking for anything serious."

"You want something serious with me, though?" I asked, desperation in my voice. I had no idea where this fear of rejection was coming from, but I was suddenly horrified that she would decide she only wanted sex. "I can't have just sex with you, Liv."

She chuckled, smiling. "Of course, I want something serious with you. There's so much I want to tell you, but we need to go back down to the party. Guests will be arriving soon!"

She got off of me and pulled down her dress skirt. I sat up on my elbows and grinned at her. She looked up at me and crossed her arms, pushing her tits up.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" I asked her and twisted to sit on the edge of the bed. "Because you look gorgeous in that dress."

She bit her lip and pulled me up to my feet. "No, you were too busy glaring at your food."

I laughed and followed her out the door.

*      *      *

            The guests started to arrive, and Olivia hadn't talked to Trenton yet. Not that I expected her to do so. She wanted this night to be perfect for her parents considering it's been 25 years of marriage for them. My parents 23rd wedding anniversary was coming up in four months, but they weren't planning a big party. My parents were big on parties, which was ironic considering my mother's chosen profession.

Ahren and Ameliah were dressed to the nines—Ahren in a navy blue suit and Ameliah in a short deep red dress. Ameliah's hair was curled down her back, and Ahren's light brown hair was styled to the side. They both made an amazing couple. And I'm not saying that because they are my Godparents.

Olivia and I shared knowing glances all night. I took a sip of my wine and winked at her when she gave me a dazzling smile. I couldn't wait to have her in my bed tonight, or me in her bed tonight. Frankly, I didn't care how we ended up there, I only cared about spending time with my girlfriend.

I was totally smitten with Olivia.

I was a goner.


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