Chapter Three

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I spent the night slaving over my textbook, making notes for tomorrow's lecture. In doing so, I have successfully figured out a way to fall asleep in class without the professor knowing about it. My sunglasses sit on the bridge of my nose, offering darkness to me and the rest of the lecture hall. The only person noticing me falling asleep is my friend, Clayton. He nudged me a few times, trying to stir me awake to listen to this boring lecture.

I took of my sunglasses and rubbed my eyes. "I barely got any sleep last night."

"Who cares, dude?" Clay hissed. "Dr. Baker will skin you alive if she catches you falling asleep."

I sighed and paid attention.

"As you'll see from these young hands," she gestured to the video playing. "Robotic surgery is becoming easier and more popular for the younger generation. This can be validated by the fact that we are more technology driven and playing video games can be a favourite pastime for lots of people." She chuckled. "I prefer the old fashioned way of open surgery, but there are many benefits to this amazing new strategy."

The lecture continued on for another 30 minutes. After class was dismissed, I was packing up my laptop when I heard my name being called by Dr. Baker. I walked to the bottom of the lecture hall.

"Mr. Stone." She greeted. "If I see you falling asleep one more time in this class, I will have you meet with the Dean. You want to be a surgeon, yes?" At my nod, she continued. "Falling asleep during a surgery would not look to good on your reputation, would it?"

"No, ma'am, it wouldn't."

"Then I would appreciate you getting used to not sleeping, Mr. Stone." She said, pulling her bag over her one shoulder. "Because someone's life could be on the line."

*       *      *

When I got home, I was in a grumpy mood. My talk with Dr. Hard-Ass was still resonating in my mind and brought my mood down a few notches. I saw Abbey drinking coffee and watching TV in the living room. I sat beside her and wrapped my arm around the back of the couch.

"What are you watching?" I asked, sticking my hand in her bowl of peanuts. "I thought you had class today?"

She turned her head, smiling at me, a small dimple pulling at her cheeks. "Just a wedding show." She turned to face me, putting her legs over my lap. "I had class, but I decided not to go and just did homework at home. It is my day to just relax." She yawned and stretched, revealing the skin of her belly under her sweater. She checked her phone, sighing. "Have you talked to Olivia yet?"

I rolled my eyes. "No."

Abbey looked at me, frowning. "It's been two months since you have had coffee together and you still haven't apologized."

"I shouldn't have to apologize." I growled. "I simply stated my opinion and she got mad at me."

Abbey shook her head.

"What?" I snapped.

"You obviously don't understand the full extent of what happened, Will." Abbey tightened her lips. "You weren't supportive of her decision to date someone, whom she really likes. As her friend, it's your responsibility to tell her when she's making a mistake—"

"I did." I snapped again. "Obviously my opinion doesn't mean much to her."

Abbey held her hand up. "Let me finish." She paused, waiting to see if I was going to interject again. I didn't. "You blew it out of proportion and told her she was being stupid, but you were not supportive." She paused again, thinking. "Do you get it?"

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