Chapter Four

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I was laying in my bath tub, bubbles surrounding me. I was listening to Like a Stone by Audioslave in the background, talking to Kim on my cell phone.

"Sorry I have been absent from you lately, Kimmy." I started, gnawing at my lip. "It was rough few months."

"I get it, sweet cheeks, don't worry about it. How did that date with Liam go?"

"So that date didn't go well." I laughed. "It was just...all about him, y'know? And I felt awful because I ruined my friendship with Will for a few months."

"You didn't know it was going to be awful, Liv." Kim said, munching on Doritos. "Will was a jerk to you about it. Don't feel like you did everything wrong. He was just as guilty as you were."

"Well, you know him better than anyone." I stated. "You know the way he is."

Kim laughed. "Yeah, he's as stubborn as a mule. He gets that from Dad."

I heard a knock at my door and I yelled for them to come in. There was no reason to leave this warm sanctuary.

"Well, I'll let you go since you're about to have company." She giggled. "Text me later! Love you bunches!" She let a smooch leave her lips and hung up.

I chuckled and put my phone on the toilet seat. The song shuffled to Stay with me by Sam Smith. I started singing along to it when a figure appeared in my bathroom. I looked up to see Will with his eyes red and swollen, his hands shaking. I shifted up in the bath, thankful that the bubbles were covering my boobs.

"Oh, Will..." I said sadly. "What happened?"

He moved my towel and phone from the toilet seat and sat on it. "I drove Abbey to the airport to catch her flight to France. She'll be gone for six months, probably more."

My jaw dropped. "Six months? You didn't want to go with her?"

"It was a co-op placement offered to her and only her." He sighed. "She's top of her class; she earned it."

Forgive me for being a bit rude here, but six months without Abbey around could increase Will's romantic feelings for me. I doubted it, be remained hopeful. Did they break up? Or are they just doing the long-distance thing? Please tell me they broke up.

"I proposed to her before she left." Will smiled. "She said yes."

And there goes my hopes and dreams. Crushed immediately. Instead of frowning like I wanted to do, I smiled and said, "I'm so happy for you, Will."

His blue eyes twinkled. "I'm hoping we can last these six months. I know we can do this."

I swallowed. "I'll meet you in the living room. My bath is getting cold."

He nodded, glanced at me in the tub one last time before he left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I sighed. Either I was turned on by him or this bath was getting to my brain.

*       *      *

When I arrived in the living room, I saw pizza and pop placed on my coffee table and Will with the remote in his hand. He smiled at me, causing my stomach to erupt in butterflies. His smile always lightened his beautiful green eyes, surrounded by thick eyelashes. Whenever he smiled, his hands made their way through his dark hair, messing up the strands more than they already are. He was so utterly handsome.

"I bought us pizza and wings." Will explained. "I thought we could have a movie night? Like we used to do when we were younger."

I smiled and plopped on the seat next to him with my legs underneath my bum. "Sounds yummy."

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