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"What are we going to do with him now?", Roman asked, looking at the still unconscious side on the floor. The urge to just kick him in the face grew with every second he was staring and it took all of the princes willpower to restrain himself. But knowing that a side, one of Thomas' sides, was transphobic, it rubbed him in all the wrong ways. And remembering that Virgil used to be a dark side made him wonder for just how long his friend has been hurting because of Deceit.

"I'll take him back home", Remus answered, throwing the snake over his shoulder in a way that looked everything but pleasant. That's surely gonna bruise. But in the end, no one seemed to take pity in him. Everyone, except for Logan and Remus, let out a little sigh as the tension seemed to dissolve in the air, leaving an uncomfortable silence.

" brother, eh?"

"Shut up Princey."

Remus giggled at the small interaction, before gasping.

"Oh I can tell so many stories now that he's out!" and the giggling returned. "Like that one time- oh yes! Virgie just came out, like, a week ago and Dee Dee wouldn't call him by the right pronouns or name, so we kept calling him Mom and Janice, ohhh was he pissed, it was amazing!"

"He grounded us for a month, Remus", Virgil butted in, obviously less pleased with the result, but smirking ever so slightly.

"Oh please, you're in your room 90% of the time anyways, and I didn't give a fuck, so no problem!", Remus grinned, to which Virgil had to give him this victory. It's true, there wasn't any actual problem with the punishment, but the fact that he got punished at all, while normally being the uncomplicated child was what actually bothered him back then about it. Now, he couldn't care less what Deceit thought about him.

"Well, good to see ya! I'll be annoying you soon!", Remus exclaimed, before sinking out with Deceit still over his shoulder, leaving the four sides again with only themselves and nature, that slowly returned to normality after the loud noises, aka Remus, disappeared again.

The four sides looked back down at the blanket, peaceful atmosphere long gone. Everyone seemed a little on edge after the unpleasant encounter, but at the end of the day, they would survive it. The small family seemed to collectively agree that the picnic would have to be continued another time, as Patton and Virgil started packing up the food, while Logan collected all the randomly placed items and Roman folded the blanket neatly. The fresh air seemed a little less suffocating the longer they walked home and eventually, light chatter between Roman and Patton broke through the silence. Their casual banter helped the others relax soon, while Patton tried to include Logan into their conversation, Virgil preferred to just quietly listen, a single ear bud helping him stay calm.

After they entered the castle that was their home, Logan turned on the radio, which was a mix of all the songs Thomas has heard in the last couple of weeks with the News that had an impact on the host. While the family scattered to put everything back in their ordinary place, Virgil opted to sit down onto the couch, turning on the TV to watch some good old fashioned Avatar: The Last Airbender. The intro soon attracted Patton, who was closely followed by Roman. Logan, who wasn't a big fan of cartoons, decided to sit down next to Virgil with a heavy looking book. The anxious side had no idea what it was about, but if his friends face was any indication, he'd guess that Logan was pretty into it. Virgil made a mental note to ask him about it later.

With the help of cartoon, they all eased up again. After five episodes, Patton left to make lunch for the group.
The sounds of the show's children talking filled the room as everyone was absorbed in their own little worlds. Surprisingly enough, Logan was the first one to break the silence. Even more surprisingly, his words were directed to the prince.


"Hm?", came the hummed response as said side tried to pry their attention away from the fighting scene.

"There is no top surgery yet."

Now Roman looked at Logan, a confused noise leaving his throat as he momentarily forgot that not all of his friends were cis, until a loud "Oh!" pictured his understanding und realization.Virgil looked from one person to the other, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly.

"What? What's going on?"

Logan looked at Virgil for a brief second before nodding to himself. Of course Virgil didn't know how this side of the imagination worked. He spend the longer amount of the time of his life with the dark sides and never went outside. He didnt even know about the village until only a few days ago.

"Well Virgil, you see, whenever Thomas learns about something new, whatever it is will appear in the imagination."

"Yeah!", Roman decided to butt in. "Like- a new fish? Into the aquarium!"
"We have an aquarium?"
"New animal in general? Zoo!"
"New science stuff? Lab!"
"Why do we have so much stuff?"
"New food? Market place! New pirchasable thing in general? Market place! New medical shit? Hospital!"

"What Roman is trying to say", Logan stopped the excited chatter before they could wander too far from what they were initially trying sto say. "Is, that when we get Thomas to learn about Top Surgery, Roman and I will be able to add it to the hospital and you can get-"

"My tiddies chopped off?"

Logan paused for a second before a sigh left his mouth, lips twitching upwards ever so slightly as he shook his head in defeat.
"Yes, Virgil. Your tiddies chopped off."

"Yeah!", Roman exclaimed loudly with a grin. "Titus Delitus!"

Virgil smiled widely as he gave Roman a high five.

"Wait- you said you and Roman make it?"

"Yes indeed. While Roman is the one creating whatever, I am the one fact-checking and making sure its scientifically accurate.", Logan nodded.

"Ohhh... yeah, that makes sense."

"Now we only got to explain this situation to Thomas so he can learn about Top Surgery."

"Ah shit..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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