Exhausting Morning

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Virgil stepped into the kitchen, stretching slightly. The morning has already been way too exhausting already, but at least the pain stopped by now.

"Good Morning kiddo!"

Silencing a yawn that was about to escape his throat, Virgil send a tired wave his father figures way.

"Mornin' Pat."

It was actually amazing that the younger man was already able to talk, considering that he would be less talkative at an even less eventful morning. Patton seemed to catch onto his exhausted behavior though and pulled his self proclaimed son to the table, where a steaming hot coffee was already waiting. The cup was obviously Virgils, being covered in a spiderweb design, with a small porcelains spider decorating the mugs handle. The light cream on top that formed a heart were a very big contrast, showing that the coffee definitely wasn't made be the mugs owner himself. Virgil couldn't contain the small smile at Patrons efforts.

"Thanks", the purple trait mumbled, sitting down onto the chair and pressing his cold hands against the hot mug. They sat there in silence for a while, Patton knowing that Virgil was everything but a morning person, and Virgil appreciating the beautiful silence as he took a first slurp from his drink.

"Behold, the sleeping beauty decided to leave his room!"

And there goes the silence.

Virgil groaned a little, really not feeling like putting up with Romans bullshit. Patton smiled brightly (how can anyone be so happy that early?) and motioned for Roman to come over to him.

"Roman! Good you're here, can you get me those ingredients?", the father asked, handing a small note over to Creativity. Roman hummed quietly as he read the list, before grinning like the idiot he was. It's too early man. Come on. Virgil really couldn't understand. But on the other hand- what time was it?

Virgil glanced at the clock that hung on the kitchen wall, almost spitting out his drink. It was almost twelve already! Sadly, that didn't gave him the energy boost he wished for and with a sigh, the man drank the rest of his coffee.

"Where's Logan?"

It was supposed to just be a mutter to himself, but apparently it was loud enough for the others to hear.

"Tch, what, worried 'bout your boyfriend?", Roman laughed. Patton gasped a little and lightly slapped Romans arm, making him laugh.
"What! They've been together a whole lot!", the princely character said, smiling down to Patton. Patton looked over to Virgil for confirmation.

"We're not dating you ass."

Patton, weirdly enough, didn't scold him for swearing and smiled again. Roman sighed somewhat disappointed (The fucks wrong with that Princey?) and snapped his fingers, making Patrons ingredients appear. The bubbly trait smiled and started to prepare for cooking. Virgil simply shook his head and left the kitchen, deciding to look for his friend. Him and Logan dating, tch, sure. However, Virgil couldn't find himself to absolutely hate that idea. So being Virgil, the man decided to push those thoughts into a pit and never think of it again. Until the late night, that is.

"Virgil, I hope you had a satisfactory morning. I do hope sleeping in another room didn't affect your well being?"

Virgil twirled around, looking at the strict looking side behind him. A door just closed that, if Virgil remembered correctly, led I to the court room. Why did they even have a court room? And why was Logan in there? Questions for another time.

"I...feel fine, actually." Why did he feel fine? His room affected everyone pretty bad, and Patrons room wasn't any different. Just different effects, that is. Why was Logan's room okay?

"That is...surprising. I am glad you feel well."

"How did you sleep Lo?"

They didn't even realize that the two of them were walking again, but chattered along without a care in the world.

Yeah, people were annoying, but with him, it felt like this was gonna be a good day.

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