The walk

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Finding the right sizes took actually way longer than both of them expected. Logan had to make sure Virgil didn't chose too small binders or too large packers.
After finally finishing, Virgil went up to pay, but the cashier explained that apparently, Prince Roman had a already left a huge pay check in every store of the village, so that his friends didn't have to pay.

I mean, seeing as he built that entire village he sure had enough imaginary money, so it kinda made sense. Surprisingly nice from him.

Logan thanked the cashier and left the building with Virgil.
"Do you want to go back now?", the tie wearing side asked. They had spend way more time outside of their home than expected and planned, Logan was almost certain that Virgil's energy must be getting to its limits.

"Actually, It's quite nice here, I guess..."

Logan looked at him in surprise, a faint smile on his face.
"Very well, let's look around a little more then, shall we?"

Virgil nodded and together they headed through the town, watching the busy streets and the people rushing past them. Some greeted Logan, seeing as he went here almost regularly. Many shot confused glances to Virgil. In this town, everybody knew everyone, so a new face was pretty rare. But none the less, they all smiled at him warmly, making sure that he felt welcome. And he did.

"How about ice cream?", Logan asked, and with his mind in the clouds, Virgil agreed before spending a second thought on it.

Logan lead the boy to a little building with only an open window visible from their point of view.
The two of them came to a halt in front of the shop. The tie wearing man ordered his ice cream and then looked over to Virgil, who tried to scan all the flavours as fast as possible. But seeing that it was already his turn to order he simply went with a vanilla ice cream because everyone should have that, right?

The man on the other side of the window nodded and gave both of them their ice cream, before waving and wishing them a good day.
Logan nodded in appreciation while Virgil returned the wish.

The two men then proceeded to walk through town and into the woods.
"Is this the part where you kill me and bury my body where no one can find it?", Virgil asked jokingly, but Logan shot him a confused look.

"Why would I do that to you? I very much enjoy your company, why would I have to get rid of you?"

Now it was Virgil's time to be confused and surprised, but after two seconds, it turned into a warm smile.

"Thanks. I enjoy your company too..."

Logan looked at his watch and gasped.

"That late already? I have to return to work soon..." Logan quickly fixed his posture and looked at Virgil.
"Thank you for coming here with me, I would be glad if we could continue this walk at another time", he said, with his usual monotone face.

"Yeah, I'd like that... lead the way", Virgil answered with a small smile, which Logan surprisingly returned, before he turned around and led them back home.

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