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This story was written pre Putting Others First. The ones that read other Sanders Sides stories of mine know that I'm a sucker for Sympathetic Deceit and Remus and I'm more than happy that Deceit finally got accepted, but I needed an anti in this story and picked my baby for that. Sorry beforehand

Virgil was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to his favourite playlist. Everything has just been so much lately. With Remus and Deceit now known to Thomas, the boy couldn't push the memories of his past away any further. His dreams turned to nightmares and his freedom turned to fear.
The boy barely left his room anymore, but in the end, it was inevitable. He had to stay hydrated after all. Hydrate before you die-drate.

Virgil pulled the headphones from his ears and placed them around his neck, music still playing loudly so you could hear the words clearly.

They say don't dare, don't you even go there, cutting off your long hair, you do as you're told.

Virgil sighed heavily. The boy went into the bathroom and took off his hoodie, making sure his ace bandages were sitting tight enough. He turned left and right, staring at the small curve over his chest. Virgil huffed slightly and took the bandages off, staring at his now exposed chest. These things weren't supposed to be there. He knew it. It didn't feel right.

'Til you wake up, go put on your makeup, this is just a phase you're gonna outgrow

Virgil clenched his fist and quickly put his bandages back on, tighter than before. It was a struggle to breath, but that was a price he was more than willing to pay. After he looked back into the mirror and sighed, the boy put his Hoodie back on and left the bathroom.

There's something wrong with the village, with the village. They stare in the village, in the village! There's nothing wrong with you, it's true! It's true!

Virgil paused his music and left his room. He went directly to the kitchen, and then the fridge. The boy opened it, satisfied when he found a bottle with water. He closed the fridge again, ready to head back to his room, when he heard someone enter the kitchen. "Ah, Jasmin", a cold voice said. Virgil clenched his fist at his deadname and looked to the ground, knowing there are only two people that knew it. He turned around, seeing Deceit. "It's Virgil.", the boy said with all his courage. He looked up to meet Deceits eyes. The snake was standing closer than expected, so he quickly took a step back, bumping into the fridge, which made him lose the grasp around his bottle.

"What are you doing here, Deceit?", a voice said from the entrance. "You shouldn't be in this part of the mindscape. Go back home."
Deceit scoffed and turned around to face the man that was talking to him. Virgil also looked at the doorframe and saw none other than Logan, an empty cup in his hands. He probably wanted to put it into the dishwasher or refill. Seeing the situation, Logan was pretty glad he decided to come now instead of waiting longer.

Deceit rolled his eyes and disappeared again. Virgil sighed heavily and picked his bottle up again. Logan watched Virgil a few seconds, before he began to talk again.
"Salutations Virgil. It is good to see you outside of your room. You missed a lot of meals, you should eat something", Logan said, watching every of the boys movements. Virgil looked back to the ground. "Not hungry", he said, before leaving the room as quickly as possible.

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