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"Virgil, may I come in?", Logan asked shortly after knocking on the door. Three knocks, quickly following each other.

There was no response.

Logan waited exactly ten seconds, then knocked again, three times, just like he did before.
He waited another ten seconds. Again, no response.

Logan knew that Virgil was a light sleeper. The side woke up one time when Logan was wandering around and into the kitchen for a midnight snack while working on his Lightsaber-Project. After that Logan had to promise to rearrange his sleeping schedule.

However, Virgil would have woken up by the first knock if he was still asleep. Which led Logan to some possibilities. First, the boy was wearing headphones, second, the side was in his bathroom or third, Virgil was simply ignoring him.

Whatever it was, Logan knew he shouldn't skip another meal. So the logical side did what came to his mind. He opened the door and carefully peaked into the darker traits room.

It was seemingly empty.

Logan entered the room and placed the food on the desk, looking around carefully.


There was a light squeak from the bathroom and you could hear shuffling.
"L-Logan?", the man could hear Virgil stutter. His voice was scratchy and quivering a little, as if he had cried recently.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Virgil, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, sure, just- just give me a minute!", he said quickly. Too quickly.

Logan was worried about his friend and slightly scared what he would need a minute for. He knew Virgil would probably hate him for entering his privacy, but Logan didn't think about that at this moment.

It took him not even a second to come to the conclusion that he was going to enter Virgil's bathroom.
Logan quickly opened the door before Virgil might be able to lock it in case he thought of that.
His calculating eyes quickly analysed the room and it took merely a second to spot Virgil. But what Logan saw, his brain couldn't quite understand in the moment.

Virgil looked quite normal. Same ripped jeans like always, the same purple hair, even the eyeshadow was already on its place.
What was off, was the fact Logan saw Virgil shirtless.
Well, that wasn't too weird now, right? He was in his bathroom after all.
The part that was quite off was the fact that he was holding some bandages and that his exposed chest didn't look quite... manly.
In fact, it was the complete opposite.

After Logan realised what he saw, which took about three seconds of staring, he quickly apologised and closed the door.

Logan waited for about ten minutes until Virgil stepped out of the Bathroom. His head hung low and the boys body was shaking slightly.

Virgils mind raced, searching for an excuse, a lie if necessary, but the boy knew that nothing would work. Logan wasn't dumb. And he saw. So the best he could do was try not to cry and hope for the best.

DifferenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora