Encounter with the snake

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Patton was the first one to fall asleep.

His head rested on Logan's shoulder, so Roman decided to bring him to bed.
While the two were gone, Virgil restarted the game to adjust to three players instead of four.

"Would you be free for a walk on Sunday?", Logan suddenly spoke up. Virgil looked at him surprised, a soft smile creeping its way onto his lips.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks", he answered with a small voice.
Logan looked to his left where Virgil was sitting, watching as he squirmed on his place. Other than last time, his breath wasn't hitching, and after finding a more comfortable position (in which he inched a little closer to Logan), Virgil stopped moving again.

"What's taking Roman so long...", Virgil mumbled worriedly. Logan looked at his watch- it's been six minutes already. The task of bringing Patton into his room and coming back should be four minutes maximum.

Logan stood up and stretched his aching bones. He had sit longer than intended.

"I will go see what's taking him so long."

Virgil was instantly on his feet, not bothering to stretch.
"I'm coming with you."

Logan nodded, appreciating the help and started heading towards Pattons door.
Virgil was right to his left, not leaving his side.

"I have a bad feeling with this...", Virgil whispered. "Something is wrong."

Logan didn't know if he was talking due to an actual gut feeling or if these thoughts came from his Anxiety, but he acknowledged Virgil's worries anyways.

With their guard put up, the two finally reached the door of their destination. Logan carefully reached for the knob, only for his hand to flinch away.

"What happened?", Virgil gasped.
"It's nothing. Just electrically charged, nothing special", Logan explained, while reaching for the doorknob again. This time, nothing happened. He turned it, but-
"The door is locked."

Virgil didn't wait a second to frantically knock on the door. Nothing happened.
"Roman? Patton? Open up! That's not funny!"

"Oh, But I think it's hilarious."

The two sides turned around so quick that Virgil almost fell to the ground by tripping over his own feet.

"Deceit. What do you want!", Logan nearly shouted.

The yellow side was casually leaning against the wall, smirking as always.

"Oh, can't I just make a visit without everyone expecting some evil plot?", Deceit asked, putting a hand over his heart in fake hurt.

"No. You are the evil plot!", Virgil scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Oh Jasmin, I'm hurt. And I came the long way just to visit my so ungrateful daughter..."

"I am not your daughter. And I have told you that many times before", Virgil's voice became scarily quiet.

Deceit walked over to him, towering over the boy with the horrible posture. Virgil shrunk a little in on himself, but right as Logan was about to step in, something in Virgil seemed to click.
His fight or flight reflex kicked in and Virgil stood up straight, now actually being Deceits size. Logan was honestly surprised about his height.
Within the same second, Virgil did the first first thing that crossed his mind without thinking. He threw a punch at the snake.

The action caught everyone off guard, but Virgil did the best of it.

A door klicked and was frantically pushed open, but the two newcomers quickly came to a halt at the scene that greeted them.

"You may have raised me but that doesn't mean you're my father!"

Deceit looked at the four in anger, before sinking out.

Logan laid a hand on Virgil's shoulder, who slumped back to his usual position, and smiled proudly at him. Virgil looked up to him and returned the smile, but that didn't stay long as he was tackle-hugged by his Dad.

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