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After the movie was over, Virgil excused himself for the night.
"But we wanted to watch more movies!", Patton whined, looking up at the already standing boy.
"Sorry Pat, I'm...tired"
Truth was, Virgil knew he'd been wearing the bandages for a little too long and breathing was painful by now.

The three Light Sides said their goodbyes and Good Nights while Virgil fled to his room. The boy closed his door and took off the hoodie, avoiding the mirror in his room. He looked down at the bandages on his chest and sighed, before carefully taking them off. Virgil let the bandages fall to the floor and put the hoodie back on. He took off his pants so that he was only left in Boxers and Hoodie, before lying down. The boy snuggled into his blanket and closed his eyes, sighing sadly. Life was weird.

Shortly after Virgil left the living room, Logan excused himself saying he had to work a little and can't ignore his sleeping schedule.
Patton and Roman started watching Disney afterwards and Logan started writing down what he learned, even though it wasn't much.

-has trouble breathing
-shifting (uncomfortable?)
-Deceit knows something (Virgil's past?)

That was all he had so far. But he's definetly not going to ask Deceit about it. For one, he's a liar. If Logan would ask something, there is no guarantee he'd get an honest answer. Secondly, if he found out the truth, it shouldn't be through Deceit.

Logan's eyes fell onto the plain black clock and he sighed. The man placed the book in his drawer and looked at the work bench. Lying there was a lightsaber. An unfinished one. Logan was working on it for a few years now. Of course he could always just ask Roman for a functioning Lightsaber, but he didn't really want to. He wanted to build one on his own. With science.
However, Virgil was his number one priority right now, the lightsaber could wait.

Logan took off his glasses and changed into pyjamas, before laying down on his bed and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Virgil slept in. Patton and Roman woke up pretty soon, which was strange, considering that they were awake for the longest time. Even though, Logan was the first one to wake up so he took it upon himself to prepare a healthy breakfast.
When Patton came down to prepare it himself, he was pretty surprised to see a table with three plates full of crumbled eggs and exactly one toasted toast on each.

Roman came soon after.
"Wow Patton, this looks awesome", he praised and Patton nodded.
"Yeah, but I didn't cook?", he answered confused.
"Correct. I did."

The two heads turned around to see Logan with a plate in hands, filled like the other three on the table.
"Who's that for?", Roman asked, pointing at the plate.
"I figured that Virgil might not join us again, so to make sure he'll at least eat something, I'm going to bring this to his room", Logan explained.
"God, you're spoiling him", Roman said, rolling his eyes.

Logan's eyebrow shot up and Patton quickly smiled at Logan. "Thanks Lo! That's really nice of you", he said. Logan nodded and left the room with Virgil's food.

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