Chapter Nine: Love In The Air

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back to your perspective

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Ámbar asked me as we were getting ready later that morning. "You look kinda distraught."

"Oh, it's just that redsharksupdates sent me a really ominous message." I explained. "It turned out to be a joke, but it still kinda shook me, y'know?"

"Are you sure that they weren't just covering it up by saying it was a joke?"

"No, actually. I hadn't thought of that."

"I can't say anything. I can be pretty gullible too. What was the message?"

I pulled out my phone, opened up Twitter, and showed her the message.

"You know what, Y/N? I wouldn't worry about it. Even if they weren't joking, they're probably just jealous." She put her hand reassuringly on my shoulder. "They're not actually going to hurt you."

As I started to take my nightgown off, Ámbar headed toward the door when I exclaimed, "Hey!"


"You can stay if you want."

"No, I'm not really at that stage yet." Her face turned a very dark shade of red. "We did just start dating, after all."

I smiled at her. "Oh, well that's fine! No pressure." I said, before my girlfriend left the room so that I could change.

Later that day

Ámbar was at practice, and I'm not very familiar with anyone else in this household, and I was bored and wanted someone to hang out with. Then I had an idea. I opened up Snapchat and sent Ámbar a message.

Me: u there?

Ámbar: Yeah, we're taking a water break. What's up?

Me: can i invite Allison over?

Ámbar: Invite whoever you want, Y/N! It's your house too ❤️

Me: oh ok thx

Ámbar: See you after practice babe 😘

Me: cya 😘

Then I called Allison up, gave her the address of the mansion, and my friend was there in minutes.

"Hey, Y/N!" She greeted, entering my bedroom. "Long time no see! I mean, I saw you yesterday, but so much has happened since then. How are things with Ámbar?"

I smiled and jokingly rolled my eyes. Allison can talk a mile a minute when she gets excited.

"Honestly, they couldn't be better."

"That's so, so great! Mind telling me the details?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well, she trusts me enough to admit to having flaws in front of me. And, knowing her, that means we're really close."

"Great! I'm so happy for you, Y/N!" I could see something was bothering her when she said that, but I couldn't quite figure out what.

"Yeah," I continued, shaking the feeling off. "It's really great that I can be someone she can be herself around."

"Cool." Allison replied. It was clear that she was trying less and less to hide whatever she was feeling.

"Hey, I think we should change the subject." I declared, not wanting Allison to be uncomfortable for whatever reason. "How are your set designs coming along?"

"Oh, yeah! There's actually one that I've been meaning to show you."

She pulled her sketchbook, that she carries with her at all times, out of her backpack and opened it to a page with a sketch of a set on it.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it! But I don't really understand what it's supposed to be based on."

"It's inspired by a musical called The Phantom Of The Opera. I think it's great in concept, and it would go really well with the dark theme that this team seems to have, but I'm not sure if the team would like it or if they would just think it's one of my stupid theatre kid things."

"Yeah, especially Emilia. She just gets at you for everything." I rolled my eyes.

"Um, about that." Allison interrupted. "The reason why I seemed so jealous when you were talking about your relationship with Ámbar is because I have a crush on someone."

"Ooh, and who would that be?"

"As much as I hate to admit it," she sighed. "I have a massive crush on Emilia."

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