Chapter Three: I've Got Friends Again

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I barely said anything on the entire plane ride because I was trying to process all these feelings I was having. How did I never realize I had a crush on her when she was just a fictional character to me? I remember thinking that she was pretty and talented, but that was about it.

I was interrupted by Ámbar coming downstairs. We were in the mansion she lives in in Buenos Aires.

"I explained your situation to Luna's parents and they agreed to let me set up a guest room for you. That may actually be the only thing they've got going for them."

Emilia clapped her hands. "Yayyy!" She exclaimed sarcastically.

"May I show you your room now, Y/N?" Ámbar asked, holding out her hand.

"You may." I accepted, gripping Ámbar's hand maybe a little bit tighter than I should have. Good thing she didn't seem to notice.

She led me upstairs to her bedroom. "Surprise!" She exclaimed in a sing-song voice. "There aren't any guest rooms. But I did set up another bed for you."


"Thank you so, so much Ámbar." I said, now desperately trying to contain my excitement. You've seen before how my emotions can bubble up to the surface and explode, and I was praying that that didn't happen right now and cause me to pin her to a wall and start making out with her or some shit. But who was I kidding? I obviously wouldn't do that without consent. I just respect Ámbar too much.

"And once you're done unpacking your stuff, we can go to the Jam & Roller." Ámbar added. So I finished unpacking my stuff, and that is what we did.

When we walked into the Jam & Roller, I couldn't help but overhear people talking about me.

"Who's that with Ámbar and Emilia?"

"Their name is Y/N and they're from (name of your country.)"

"How do you know that?"

"I saw a post about it somewhere."

"I guess that's just what happens when you hang out at the same roller club as D-list celebrities."

I pulled out my phone and searched my name on Twitter, and sure enough, there was a post about me on a Red Sharks stan account.

redsharksupdates tweeted: "Ámbar and Emilia hanging out at the airport with their new friend Y/N L/N from (your country)."

Underneath, there was the picture of us that Ámbar had posted on Instagram.

"Hey Ámbar, am I allowed to follow one of your stan accounts?" I asked. "Sorry, I don't really know how this works."

"Oh no, it's fine." Ámbar replied. "Just don't tell the person who runs the account anything you don't think we'd want them to know."

"Okay!" I followed the account, and a new tweet immediately popped up on my timeline.

redsharksupdates tweeted: OMGOMGOMG!!!! Y/N JUST FOLLOWED ME!!!! That means that Ámbar and Emilia might follow me too... but I'm not gonna get my hopes up :/

I showed my new friends the tweet. "Aw, our fans are so adorable." Emilia said.

"I imagine you don't know how to rollerskate." Ámbar said, turning towards me. "But that's okay, I can teach you."

While Emilia went off to do her own thing, Ámbar led me toward the locker room.

"Go pick out a pair." She said, gesturing to shelves full of rollerskates. "They're organized by shoe size."

After I found my shoe size, I decided to pick out a pair of purple rollerskates with white wheels and laces, because the colour purple seems to have been appearing a lot in my life lately. I figured purple was a good luck colour for me, considering it's what got me here in the first place.

"Purple. Nice." Ámbar commented. "Mine have purple on them too."

She smiled, and then I smiled. We were smiling at each other. Did that mean anything? Jesus, Y/N. You're really overanalyzing at this point.

But then, when we had tied up our skates and were about to leave the locker room, I noticed a face that I had seen definitely seen somewhere before.


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