Prologue: Wishing

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My name is Y/N, and I hate my life.

Everything sucks right now, and I don't think it'll ever be better.

What do I mean by that? Well, after I graduated high school, all my friends ghosted me. Then my parents kicked me out of the house, because they were just waiting for me to turn 18 so they could get rid of me. That's not just me being angsty, by the way. They actually hate me. Every college and university I could possibly apply to in (name of your state/province) rejected me, and I'm hardly in any state to study outside of here. So now I'm working a minimum wage job at a bakery in the food court of a mall. And minimum wage is hardly enough to live by yourself in this city. And to top it all off, my anxiety is eating away at me like a caterpillar munching on a leaf.

There's an old legend that goes, when someone is in a time of complete and utter hopelessness, a puff of purple smoke will appear that will grant them a single wish.

But I thought the legend was just that, a legend, until I saw purple smoke in my window one night when I was crying in my bedroom.

I stepped outside to my balcony, and the smoke followed.

"What is your wish?" a mystical-sounding voice asked.

I knew exactly what my wish was going to be. Now, this is gonna sound really stupid, but just bear with me on this one. "I want my favourite fictional character to be real, and for us to somehow cross paths with each other." I declared.

"And who would that be?"

"Ámbar Smith from Soy Luna."

"It shall be done, tomorrow when you wake." Just like the legend. Then, the purple smoke vanished, just as quickly as it had appeared.

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