The baby

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9 Months Later

Katsuki had just given birth to his baby boy. Bakugou was living in an apartment all alone. He have birth alone in his bathroom. By now his classmates were out fighting villains and saving lives. He'd been working in a small cafe in the city.

Bakugou's POV

I looked down at my precious baby boy. He had black hair like Kirishima and ruby red eyes. It almost hurts me to look at home. He reminds me of the day I left.
"Hi, baby Haru" I said softly trying to comfort him.
I named him Haru Bakugou. I decided I wouldn't give him the name of a man that refused to love him.
6 Months later

Haru can now sit up on his own and eat some solid foods. He's currently at daycare and I'm at work. I see a familiar redhead walk into the cafe with a lady. I duck behind the counters to hide.
" Shit, I gotta go. A daycare caught on fire." He said to the lady and ran out the door.
I sighed with relief. Then my phone began to ring. It was Haru's daycare.
"There's been an accident" The head of the daycare says.
"I'll be there right away" I hung up the phone and ran straight to the daycare.
"HARU!" I called his for my baby. I heard his adorable little giggle he was in the arms of a hero.
"Excuse me, sir" I asked the man politely.
"Yes?" When I met his eyes I realized it was none other than Kirishima.
"Can you handover my son?" I was now irritated by the sight of him.
"Bakugou?!" He said with his eyes wide open still holding my baby.
" I asked for the baby" I said angrily.
"Oh, sorry" he handed Haru over. "Longtime no see, bro!"
"I guess..." I was in a mood.
"Do you want to get lunch?"
"I really should be going."
"It'll be on me. For old times sake." He gave me puppy eyes. Even now I couldn't resist saying yes.
It was a long awkward taxi ride until we got to the restaurant.
"Hey, Bakubro is that really your kid?"
"Yeah." I said proudly of my baby boy.
"Some girl must be real lucky." Could he not remember!?
"Not a girl"
"Then a lucky guy"
"The father is not in the picture" saying this hurt a bit.
"Oh, I'm sorry bro." He said awkwardly.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I wanted the truth.
"Can you remember the day I left?"
"Honestly, there was an incident. I can't remember the week leading up to you leaving." He said rubbing the back of his head.
"What incident?"
"I guess something bad happened not long before you left and I overdosed." He can't remember. Maybe we can start over.
"I can tell you what happened."
"Really!?" He looked very curious.
"You confessed to me and I reacted poorly" I felt guilty just saying it.
"That's what happened?"
"There is more..." he waited quietly for me to continue. "You hid in your room for a few days. So I used the key you gave me and apologized"
"But if we made up, what happened after?"
"I suggested we become more than friends. We were hugging and you bit me." The story was getting harder for me to tell.
"Did I rape you?" His face was full of guilt.
"No, you were sweet and we cuddled together, but I lost control. We ended up sleeping together."
"Why'd you leave if we were together?"
"You told me to get rid of it" Tears were now in my eyes.
"I made you kill our baby?" He was on the verge of tears.
"I left because I kept it" I looked down at Haru.
"He's mine" He seemed happy.
"Yeah, his name is Haru Bakugou" He picked up Haru and sat him on his lap.
"I'm sorry I ever hurt you." He told me.
  "We have separate lives now, and we'll probably never see each other again"
"I'm glad you kept him, but I don't want to live knowing I abandoned my son."
"I can raise Haru fine on my own"
"There is now doubt it my mind you could. I want to be there for him"
"You want a family?" I was so happy.
"We can live together, raise Haru, and maybe even have more babies."
"I'm fine with all that, but I'm never pushing out another child." I was crying tears of joy. My comment made Kiri laugh and there must have been a happy atmosphere because then started giggling too.

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