Chapter 22

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2 months later

Haru's POV

The procedure happened about a month ago and I've been on these medications ever since. So apparently there is a high risk I could suffer from a miscarriage. Ash has been nagging me all the time and the pills make me really sensitive and my chest as become soft and sore.

"I'm home" I hear Ash yell.

"Welcome back" I say

"Have you been being good?"


"Good then"

"When are you going to let me out of the house?"

"When you're stable and aren't at so much risk"

"How long until that?"

"About 3 more months"

"But I'll be fat by then"



"You mean showing?"

"Doesn't matter what it is called I'll be heavier and look heavier too" I said pouting.

"Oh stop your complaining"

"This'll be your only child" I say pointing at my stomach.

"You can say that now but you'll want another one"

"Nope I'll never want this again"

"Sure sure"

5 months in to Haru's pregnancy

"Ash?" I ask.

"What's up?"

"Do I look gross?"

"Of course not"

"You're lying to me" I said in an upset tone.

"I'm not"

"But my stomach is big, I am sweaty all the time, and I have fucking tits"

"It'll all go away once the babies are born"

"I'm sorry did I just hear babies?"

"I thought you've been looking at the ultrasounds"

"No that's your job"

"Well we're having twin boys"


"Calm down, by the way your parents are coming over for dinner."

"What time is it now?"


"When will they be here?"


"I gotta go get ready and shower!" I say hurrying to the bathroom.

Right as I was finishing up I heard the door bell ring.

"Haru your parents are here" Ash said opening the door to invite them in.

"Wow you've gotten real big since we last saw you" Mom said.

"Don't I know"

"Is Natsu not coming today?" Ash asked.

"She went out on a date with some guy" Dad groaned.

"Any news on the baby?" Mom questioned.

"We're having twin boys!" Ash said ecstatically.

"Well no wonder you've gotten so big, son" Dad said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know I've grown" I growled. I went upstairs to my bedroom.

Ash's POV

"Sorry about him, you know how pregnancy can be" I say to them before following Haru upstairs.

When I open the door I see a crying Haru wrapped up in blankets.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"I wanna have stuff the way it was before"

"I know it's hard but think about how cute the babies will be." I said trying to lift his spirits.

"I kno- ah!" he screeched.

"What's going on? Do we need an ambulance?" I say panicking.

"No,No. They just kicked"

"Really!?" I was excited.

"Here" He said taking my hands and placing them on his belly as another kick came through.

"Wow this is amazing" I say crying little tears of joy.

"Yeah but it will be much better when they are out of me"

"I know it's like hell for you but I'm so happy"

"Well you know I'm doing this for you"

"Thank you so much, I could never repay you for this"

"Don't need to as long as you still love me" He said kissing me and I pulled him into a hug.

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