Too soon

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Months later
Haru's POV
Ash and I were watching a movie in our dorm. He moved onto my lap and faced me.
"What are you up to?" I asked. He pushed his lips against mine.
"I'm ready"
"Ready for what?"
"Let's have sex"
"I can't let you do this"
"I don't want you to waste your first time with me"
"But it's not wasting, I love you"
"I love you too but what if this doesn't workout and I'll be the one you slept with first?"
"You don't think it'll work between us?"his eyes started to water.
"It's not that. I just think you should do this sometime special with someone special"
"You are special"
"It's not the right time if you want it to be with me"
"When will it be?"
"When we are sure this commitment will last forever" he looked really sad. "When we graduate then we can talk about this again."
"But that's such a long time"
"It'll all be worth it" I held him close.
"I can wait if it's for you" he said hugging me.
Bakugou's POV
He came running in.
"What is it babe?"
"I think I might be pregnant again"
"That's awesome!"
"Don't you think we're a little to old though?"
"Of course not we just had kids young"
"We should go to the doctor then"
"I have an appointment scheduled later today"
"Let's go then"
We went to the hospital and were brought into a room.
"What's the matter?" A nurse asked
"I think I could be pregnant."
"Let us run down tests" she said.
They ran their tests.
"Sir you are not pregnant"
"Oh..." I guess that was a little disappointed.
"Do you have children?"
"Yeah why?"
"Your a carrier for a genetic mutation that could effect them"
"I'll let them now and take them in"
I called Haru to come and pick up Natsu on the way. He said he was going to bring Ash since he hadn't seen a doctor in awhile.
"Hey mom" Haru said
"We're just gonna run some tests on you and your sister" the nurse said. She had Ash moved to another room.
A few minutes later she came back.
"Their both clear."
"That's great to hear" I said
"The child you brought with you identifies as male, correct?"
"Yes" Haru said.
"Are you his legal guardian?"
"No"I say.
"Is there a way to contact them?"
"No" Haru says.
"We can't release them until we know they are going home with those people"
"I'm sorry but he doesn't have a relationship with his parents and they won't come if you call"
"Actually a man picked up when we called. He said he'd be hear today pick them up"
This is going Robb trouble.

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