Home part 2

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Ash's POV
I woke up the next morning. Haru had a tight grip on me even though he was asleep. He looked very peaceful so I grazed my hand a long his face.
"You shouldn't touch people in their sleep"
"You're awake?!" My cheeks flushed.
"I've been awake for awhile"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause you looked so cute sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you."
"But you let me touch your face?"
"I know how hard it is to keep from admiring a face like this so I wasn't gonna stop you." I flicked him in the forehead for being so cocky.
"You deserved it"
"Don't you need to change your thing?"
"Yeah I'll be right back" I did exactly what I said I was going to do and came back.
"What're we doing today?"
"I don't know I could see if Natsu wants to hangout with us"
"Aww your so nice to your sister"
" A big brother has got to protect his little sister"
"It's sweet"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"If I do I didn't grow up with them"
"Well you can always share Natsu with me"
"Share? She's my little sister now no sharing allowed" I laughed.
"Did I hear my name?" Natsu came running in.
"Yes you did" Haru said rustling her hair.
"Have you two had sex?" She asked. I was spooked and flustered.
"Why'd you think that Natsu?" Haru asked.
"Cause you two sleep in the same bed and are boyfriends"
"We're not dating" I said
"Do you even know what sex is?" Haru asked
"It's when to people that love each other kiss a lot and a baby gets made"
"Yes that is definitely how that works" Haru said in a serious tone. "Now get out of here" he said giggling
"Haru how old are you?" I asked
"16 what about you?"
"Im still 15"
"Have you had sex?"
"Yeah. If my mom new he'd kill me though"
"When did you?"
"When I first turned 15 Izumi and I were dating so back then"
"Oh I didn't know you were with Izumi..."
"I'd never date her again. She gets real mean and pushy."
"But you like girls?"
"Nah I'll take what I can get I'm not gonna put a label on what I like"
"Seems pretty fair"
"You still a virgin?"
"That's nice. You still get the chance for that memory to be with someone special. Don't waste it like I did."
"I won't"
"Do you wear one of those binder things?"
"I do"
"Don't you get tired after wearing it so long"
"I'm not supposed to wear it too long or when I sleep."
"Have you been sleeping in it"
"No" I say avoiding eye contact.
"Don't lie to me"
"Okay I have but I remember to take it off most times"
"Take it off now. We both know you wore it all night and I know it bothers you but you can't wear it that long"
Haru's POV
After Ash changed he came back and sat on the bed.
"That wasn't so hard was it?"
"I want to put it back on"
"You need to take a break from it" I say hugging him.
"You don't understand"
"I know I don't but I can at least try to" I start to running finger through his hair.
"You're a very handsome guy" I said
"How about we get some breakfast?"
We walked downstairs and saw my mom making pancakes.
"Where'd dad go?" I asked
"He was called in for morning patrol"
"Did you tell home to be safe?"
"I always do. Did you two talk last night?"
"Yeah" Ash responded.
"My son didn't say anything he wasn't supposed to did he?
"No he's very nice to me"
"Good to know he was raised right"
We ate our pancakes and walked back to my room.
"Ash you still doing alright?"
"You sure?"
"What's wrong?"
"I don't feel good"
"Why don't you feel good?"
"Clearly it's not just nothing"
"Can we talk about it later?"
"Okay then later"
"We can cuddle"

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