A new baby

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2 weeks later
Bakugou's POV
Kiri has been extra busy with hero work recently. It bothers me a lot. I hadn't been feeling well lately so I went to the doctor.
"Katsuki Bakugou?" The nurse called.
"Here" I walked behind her into an office room.
"What's been wrong lately?"
"I throw up on a daily basis and have had a hard time eating"
She continued the routine check up.
"Are you sexually active?"
"Is there any chance you were bitten recently or in the past?"
"Would it be possible to get a urine sample?" She said holding out a cup.
"Yeah..." I went to the bathroom and came back.
"I'm going to take this and run a few tests"
I sat there for about 15 minutes awaiting the results.
"Nothing extremely concerning is wrong"
"But you are pregnant"
"Oh" I was scared.
"Can we schedule your next appointment?"
"Will this be a check in or procedure?"
"I'll have to check with my partner first"
"That's fine I'll just set a date in 2 weeks"
I left and went back home.
"Hey Kat were have you been?" Kiri said as I walked through the door.
"I just went out for a little..."
"Are you sure? You don't seem right."
I went up stairs and laid on the bed. He probably wouldn't want another kid he barely wanted Haru. Haru doesn't want a sibling. Then suddenly I heard knocking on the door.
"Hey baby? You dropped this envelope"
"What envelope?"
"It's from the hospital"
"Can you come in?"
"Of course"
He walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Can I see what's in the letter?"
"No..." I said snatching it out of his hands.
"Why not?"
"Cause you won't like what it says"
He sat me on his lap and had me open the letter with him.
"What's it say Kat?"
"I don't wanna tell you"
"But I want to know"
He took the envelope and read aloud.
"Your pregnant..." he said quietly
"I'm sorry. Please don't leave me" I said crying.
"How could I? You giving me another beautiful baby" he said all excited hugging me
"Your not mad?"
"Of course not, I love you"
"I love you too"
"You gotta be extra careful now, don't do anything that's be hard on your body"
"I know"
"Have you told anyone else yet?"
"Well how about we tell your parents?"
"I don't know"
"We have to go over to get Haru anyway, you can decide when we're there"
He drove all the way to my parents house.
"Hey mom"
"I see you brought your man with you"
"He did" Kiri says
"What's the occasion?" She said
"Nothing we just came to pick up Haru" I said
"You think I don't know when my son is lying to me. Tell me what's going on"
"I don't think I'm ready to"
"That's okay tell her when your ready" Ei whispered in my ear.
"You can tell me anything" she says. "Why don't you stay for dinner and talk later"
We had dinner and then sat down in the living room.
"Are you ready to tell me now?"
"Yeah..." I said.
Kiri took out the hospital report and handed it over.
"What's this?" She questioned.
"Open it" I said
"I'm getting another grand baby?"
"Yes" Kiri said.
"How far along are you?"
" a few weeks"
"How about we go out for ice cream to celebrate?" She asked smiling.
We got our ice cream and went home with Haru.
"Haru, you're gonna have baby brother or sister?"
"Cause your daddy and I thought it would be good to have another one"
"How do you have a baby?" I froze up a little
"When a mommy and daddy love each other very much they go get a seed and that seed goes in the mommy and grows into a baby." Kiri said.
"Where's the baby?"
"Right here Haru."I say touching my stomach.
"When can we play?"
"Not for a long time buddy" Kiri says.
"I can't wait to meet the baby" he said giggling.
Kiri picked Haru up and we walk to his bedroom.
"Goodnight" I say kissing Haru's forehead.
"Night night mama and daddy"
We went to our room and drifted a sleep.

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