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Several days later
Bakugou POV
I can't take this anymore....
If I was a hero would Kirishima show me off like her. If I never had Haru. If I never made that mistake. My parents would still love me. The whole city would see me.
I crawled on my empty bed and cried. After awhile I had to do something.
I dialed a number on my phone and waited for the person on the other end to pickup.
"Hi" I said softly.
"Who is this?"
"Your son"
"I'm sorry it can't understand what you said. Who?"
"It's me mom" I spoke up a little.
The other end was silent.
"I know your probably still made and don't wanna see me but I miss you"
I heard a conversation on the other end between my mom and dad.
"I miss you a lot..."
"Katsuki..." She cried.
"I wanna talk with you in person. At the house."
"Would you like to come for dinner tonight?"
"We'll see you then" she then hung up.
This was a big step for me. I became extremely exhausted after just talking on the phone so I took a nap.
3 hours later
I knocked on the door. Just being here brought back painful memories...
"Come in!!!" I hear my dad yell.
I walked in and stood near the door. My mom walked up to me.
"You don't have to just stand there"
I couldn't think of anything. I just wanted my parents back. Tears began to form in my eyes.
"Is something wrong" she asks.
I walk towards her and bring her into a hug.
"Mom I'm so sorry..."
"Shh. It's okay" she said while stroking my head.
She takes me over to the couch to talk.
"I was so scared to come here" I said.
"Im sure you were after what happened last time you were here"
"I want to have parents again. I'm still a kid. I struggle to get by on my own without you there..." I start to cry again.
"I should have never reacted that way with you."
"No. It's my fault I was careless and completely ignored who you taught me to be. I was irresponsible and made a big mistake. I deserved to be thrown out"
"Katsuki it was never your fault. You were still in high school and didn't know about the real world. Your my son. Even if I was mad at that moment I'll always love you" she hugged me close.
I didn't know what to say...
"Why don't you tell me what really happened?"
She said in a soothing tone
" I was confessed to but I resisted terribly. So after I figured myself out I went to go talk. We were hugging it out and he bit me. I thought it was fine I wasn't forced to anything. When we started talking about what happened I thought he said he didn't want a baby with me so I ran back here. Then I waited to take the pregnancy test and the you through me out."
" I'm so sorry baby"
We just sat there for awhile thinking to ourselves.
"Whatever happened with that boy and the baby?" She broke the silence.
"Well I gave birth to a baby boy named Haru but I'm a horrible parent"
"Oh honey why'd you say that?" She said rubbing my back.
"Sometimes I think about how my life would be better if he never happened..." I was crying waterfalls.
"You gave him a chance at life, he's just a baby he couldn't hate you for having those thoughts"
"I know but I feel so guilty"
"And what about the father?"
"Well a while ago we got back together but I'm not allowed to be seen with him cause I'm not the ideal image of a partner for him"
"Who is this little bitch!?"
" I can't tell you and I love him I could never leave him"
"You shouldn't be hidden like this"
She brought me into a long hug.
"Do you wanna meet Haru?" I asked.
"Of course!"
I left to go pick him up after leaving him with deku while I was gone.
"Meet your grandson" I said handing him over.
" I should have never been mad with you about creating such a perfect baby"
I was finally happy with what I've done. I have a lover, a baby, a best friend, and I made up with my mom.
After they went home
I unlocked the door with Haru in my arms. I saw kirishima standing inside.
" Hey..." he said
"What's up?"
"We have a problem."
" What is it?"

A new start (KiriBaku)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant