The scare

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6 months later
Kirishima's POV
I couldn't believe how large Kats stomach has become. I was out on patrol of the city. My phone began to ring.
"Hey Kat what's the call for?"'
"Are you there?"
"Help me..." I could be at him crying
"What's going on?"
"The baby..."
"Where are you?"
"I'm at home..."
"Is Haru with you?"
"No it's just me"
"I'm going to come get you, okay?"
I drove as fast as I could home.
"Kat?" I saw him crying in the bathroom with blood on his hands and down his legs. He hugged me.
"What happened?"
"I don't know..." he said through his sobs
"Let's get you to the hospital"
We got in the car and made it there. He was immediately rushed to the ER.
"It's gonna be alright Kat" I said holding his hand.
"Excuse me sir can you please step out?" The nurse asked.
"I really don't want to leave him."
"Im sorry but you must wait outside"
I waited an hour before hearing anything.
"Are you here for Katsuki Bakugou?" A doctor asked.
I was taken to the consultation office to discuss Kat.
"What's going on?"
"It seems his body is rejecting the child"
"Will the baby make it?"
"That's what we need to talk about"
"Right now we could preform a c-section and remover the baby prematurely. This ensures Mr. Bakugou will make it but the baby will need to be watched carefully and may not make it."
"Is that the best option?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Okay then we'll do that"
It was a 2 hour surgery. The baby was immediately taken and I stayed with Kat.
"Ei?" Kat said
"I'm here"
"Did the baby make it?"
"We don't know yet..."
He started to cry and panic.
"It's okay, it's not your fault" I said patting his back.
"Is it a girl or boy?"
"A girl"
"What'd she look like?"
"Blonde hair and red eyes just like you"
The doctor comes in.
"I'm sorry to say this but it looks like she won't make it through the night"
"Thank you for telling us"
"Have you picked a name?"
"Natsu Kirishima"  Kat says.
"I suggest you rest Mr. Bakugou you need to recover"
I sat by kats side and rubbed his head until he fell asleep. I stayed there awake all night. And at 8 am the doctor returned.
"What is it I asked?"
"She made it through the nigh and is now stable"
"This is great news!" I said Kat was still asleep.
"When he wakes up we can go take you to see her"
About 30 minutes later Kat woke up
"Did she make it?" He asked hopefully.
"She did"
His eyes lit up with joy.

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