Chapter 21

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5 months later

Ash's POV

Haru and I have been trying for months now. I haven't been feeling well lately so we're at the doctors.

"Excuse me, Mr.Ash?" The doctor said

"yes?" I asked

"It seems that in the tests that you are infertile..."

"I can't have children?"

"It is very unlikely"

"Is there anything else we could do?" I say grabbing Haru's hand.

"Not for you but it is possible for biological children"

"What are the options?" Haru asked for me

"You could use a surrogate or we could take your DNA and artificially inseminate your partner after you bit him"

"Haru, what do you think of those options?"

"I'm sorry but i really don't want to go through any of that" He said.

"Please, this'll be the only chance we get..." I said begging.

"I just can't" he stormed out of the room.

I finished up the examination and went to the car. We drove all the way home in silence.

"Can we just talk about this a little more?"I ask.


"Why aren't you open to the other options?"

"I'm not really comfortable with another person carrying our child"

"And the second option?"

"I always thought you'd be the one to have a baby. Then there's my dad with that whole 'Manly' thing."

"Well your mom is a man and he gave birth to you..."

"I call him mom I don't want to be called that"

"You don't have to be"

"I'll just be looked down upon"

"No you won't"

"What'd my dad think?"

"It doesn't matter"

"I don't want to be any less of a man than I already am"

"In that case am I not a man to you?!" I said in a angry rage of tears.

"No, you're the greatest man I know" He grabbed me into a hug.

"Then please just do this for me"


"Thank you!" I said kissing him.

"But if I have to be the one giving birth you're gonna have to take good care of me and take care of the baby"

"I will"

"You are sure this is what you want?"


"Let's talk to my parents before we set the date, okay?"

"Okay" I was now in a great mood. "Thank you so much!"

A new start (KiriBaku)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat