t h i r t y - o n e

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You eventually fell asleep, after hours of crying while your brother was holding you in his arms.

Harrison gently let go of you, without you noticing and got a blanket to cover you.

"Where are you going?" Addison who was washing the dishes asked when she saw him put on his coat.

"I'm going to talk to Tom." he explained. "Please, take are of Y/n til I'm back."

"Of course." she said and then watched as he closed the door behind him.

Once Harrison reached Toms' house he began furiously knocking on his door until he finally opened.

Tom looked like he had been crying for hours, eyes red and puffy and there was still some visible tears that hadn't dried out yet.

"What the hell happened." Haz asked since you hadn't told him yet and he did not want to jump onto conclusions.

Tom opened the door wider for him to come in and then started pacing to the living room, Haz following him. A moment later Tom started speaking, telling him exactly how everything happened.


About half an hour after your brother left, you woke up with a pounding headache and burning eyes from all the previous crying.

You checked your phone to see you had 17 missed calls and 22 new messages from Tom. Without opening the other messages you read the top one which said 'I love you'.

"Sure." you whispered, chuckling sarcastically and shaking your head as you switched your phone off.

"Hey, you're up." you heard Addisons' sudden voice which made you look up to see her walking towards you with a light smile on her face.

"Yeah." you said, failing at your attempt to force a smile.

"I made you a cup of tea." she said, taking a seat beside you and handing you the warm mug.

"Thanks. Where's Haz?" you asked, noticing he was gone.

"He went to buy some stuff I needed, he's probably going to be back soon." she lied and you nodded, looking down at your mug.

It was silence for a while as you slowly started to drink your tea.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked and you glanced at her shortly, "You don't have to if you don't want to-"

"Tom kissed Emily." you explained, keeping it short and her eyes widened in shock at the name you just called.

"Tom kissed who?"

"You heard it." you said.

"Are you sure?" she asked, not able to believe what you were saying.

"Definitely." you unlocked your phone to show her the picture since she was looking at you as if you were crazy.

As you saw the picture again, you felt a sharp pain in your chest and you were back on the verge of crying but you managed to not let the tears fall again.

You passed her the phone and watched as she looked at the picture.

"That really does look like her..." she lowered the phone, soon giving it back to you and you switched it off without giving the screen a second glance. "Y/n, I'm sure there's a good explanation to all this. You should talk to him-"

"I don't want to." you cut her off.

"But I think it's better if-"

"No." you snapped at her, making it very clear that you didn't want to talk nor see Tom under any circumstances.

"Sorry." you apologised after a moment.

"It's fine." she sighed. "I prepared the guest room and left you some clothes there, you should go get some rest." she told you, shortly rubbing your back before grabbing your mug and going to the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Tom had finished explaining everything to Harrison.

"I wouldn't have kissed her if it wasn't for that, Haz. But she just won't listen to me." he broke down again,"I love her more than anything in this world, Harrison." he cried, putting his head into his hands. Tom was just as broken and devastated as you were.

Harrison put his arm around his best friend, trying to calm him down before he spoke,

"Hey, I'm going to try and talk to her, okay? I'll help you with everything, we'll fix this." he said and felt Tom nod his head.


After what happened, you stayed at Harrison and Addisons' place for a couple days.

The two of them kept telling you to hear Tom out but at every mention of his name, you either abruptly left the room or quickly changed the subject.

Tom himself, never stopped calling or sending you messages until you blocked him. After noticing you had blocked him, he switched to instagram, earning a block from you on there too.

On the fourth day of you staying at your brothers place, Tom came over, knowing you were there and Harrison, for god knows what reason, let him in.

Once hearing him call out your name, you grabbed your car keys and immediately left through the backdoor.

When Tom and Harrison heard an engine going on in the driveway, they both looked out the window to see your car moving out of the parking lot and quickly speeding away.

"I'm sorry." Haz said, looking at his mate with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." Tom sighed sadly.


One more week had passed which you had spent alone at your house. You didn't talk to anyone nor answered anyones' messages, except for your moms'.

She didn't ask you about the whole situation and you didn't tell her but you felt like she knew.

As you were currently eating a whole bowl of vanilla ice cream while crying your eyes out to the Titanic, you heard your phone ring.

You looked at the contact to see it was Zack. You paused the movie and answered the call.

"Hello?" you asked, letting out an unexpected sniff as you wiped some tears away.

"Hey, Y/n...are you okay?" he asked after hearing your voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." you lied.

"You don't sound like it though-"

"I said I'm fine, Zack." you repeated, rolling your eyes.

'Definitely not fine.' He thought but decided to let you be since it didn't seem like you wanted to talk about it.

"If you say so.." he paused. "I got you some interviews and another photoshoot with Calvin Klein in LA next week, will you go?" he asked.

You thought for a little bit before answering. Going to LA could help you get your mind off things, plus you'd be thousands of kilometres away from Tom which is just perfect.

"I'll go." you said finally.

"Great! I'll book the flight and send you the details. Have a good evening and please get well soon." he finished and hung up.

You put your phone down and resumed the movie. Spending the rest of the night with eating ice cream and crying to sad movies.

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