t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"So..." Haz sighed, looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry for lashing out like that the other day. It was just- the situation." he said.

"I came in and saw my best friend on top of my little sister as they were probably about to-" he cut himself off, shortly grimacing at the thought. "I felt betrayed and at the same time hurt because you guys didn't tell me sooner."

"We wanted to tell you, Haz." Tom said.

"We were already planning on it, really! But- we were scared of how you'd react." you said, the last part quietly.

"Look," your brother spoke up after a moment of silence, "I want you to be happy." he said, firstly looking at you and then over at Tom as he continued,

"I want you both to be happy and if that means it's with each other then I'm fine with it." he said and you're vision was starting to get blurry as you smiled.

"But please don't ever keep such stuff from me ever again. You're my little sister and you're my best friend, I don't want us to have  any secrets."

"Okay." you whispered.

"Promise?" he looked at the both of you.

"I promise." Tom said.

"Pinky Promise." you said smiling as you moved closer to Harrison, holding up your pinky.

No matter how old you were, Pinky Promises have always felt holy to you. You'd never dare to break one and everyone knew that.

Haz smiled as he locked his pinky with yours before you both pulled each other into a hug.

He held you tight as you silently cried into his chest. Tom watched, smiling to himself as he let the both of you have your moment.

"I'm so so sorry, Haz." you sobbed.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Stop crying, you should be happy right now." he said.

"I am but still...thank you." you smiled and gave him a squeeze. "I love you."

"And I love you too." he said, rubbing your back.

"Could I have a chat alone with Tom?" he asked after you had let go.

You nodded and stood up. You gave Tom a smile before disappearing upstairs and leaving them alone.

"Thanks for letting us be together." Tom said.

"Of course." Haz smiled. "Please, don't hurt her." he then said.

"I won't."

"I'm serious. If you ever hurt her, I won't care that you're my best friend, I will mess you up." he said sternly and Tom nodded at that.

After a minute of silence Harrison stood up.

"Please tell Y/n I had to leave for me." he said.


Tom walked him to the door and before he closed the door he thanked Harrison again to which Haz responded with a tight-lipped smile and a nod.

Tom then came upstairs to come and met you. You were busy with packing your suitcase since you were going to leave in already two days.

"Hey." he said, wrapping his arms around your waist and softly kissing your neck as you were folding a pair of jeans.

"Hi," you smiled immediately, "where's Haz?" you asked.

"He had to leave."

"Oh." you said, putting the now folded jeans into your open suitcase that was laying on your bed.

"See, I told you everything was going to be fine." he whispered into your ear.

"Yeah." you chuckled before turning around to look at him. "I love you." you said and he smiled.

"I love you, too." he said back then leaned down and gently pushed his lips onto yours.


You had spent the past two days mostly with your brother. Addison, Tom, him and you even went on a double date, everything was perfect and you were happy.

Today was the day Tom and you were going to leave. Your flight would depart at 8:30PM.
Addison and Harrison accompanied you guys to the airport.

"You guys have fun." Haz said after you had all hugged. "But not too much fun!" he quickly added and you all laughed.

You and Tom managed to get into the plane without being recognized by anyone.

The flight was really long and tiring. When you got out of Los Angels' airport, you guys took a taxi to the hotel that was already expecting the both of you.

After taking a shower and already changing into your pajamas, you guys turned the TV on and cuddled.

Not even an hour later, you had fallen asleep in Toms' arms. After he noticed, he switched the TV, together with the lights off.

"Goodnight princess." he whispered and then kissed your forehead.

My Brother's Best FriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant