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After about five minutes Harrison and Tuwaine came to the dining table too and the other team joined the live using the Brothers Trust's instagram account.

Tuwaine, Tom and you were sat while Harrison and Harry stood behind you guys. Tom had leaned his phone against the puzzle box so that all of you were in frame.

"What it do baby!!" Tuwaine said as soon as we were able to see Sam, holding the phone and Nicki waving at the camera. You smiled and waved back at her.

"Alright, so we've got the puzzle here." he said turning the camera and showing it.

"Yeah, we too and this time the right one." Harry said looking down at Tom and he jus smiled innocently.

"We've got mom here," he said showing Nicki, "Dad's there," he showed Dom and you all laughed as you saw his haircut.

"Dad, what happened to your hair?" Tom asked laughing.

"He cut it off." Sam answered for him after switching to the front camera.

"All of it?!" he asked and you laughed a little bit.

"Yeah." Sam answered.

"Come on, we're doing the puzzle!" you heard Dom's voice say.

"Okay, are you ready?" Harry asked his twin brother.

"Yeah, so the puzzle looks like this," he showed the puzzle, "and the puzzle wars starts in...three, two, one."

"Go!" Dom said.

"Okay, let's start!" you said smiling before Tom ended the live and you all got to work.

Hours and hours later you finally finished the damn puzzle. You took a video as you all cheered after you had inserted the final pieces. You were so so happy you guys had won that you even went to hug Tom but quickly pulled away as you saw your brother eyeing you.

You facetimed the other team proudly showing off the finished puzzle.

You took a picture of all of you standing behind the table with the puzzle in front of you and sent it to Sam, who then posted it on The Brothers Trust instagram, announcing you as the winners.

You later had dinner, Tom cooking again. After that and watching some episodes of Alone you and Harrison decided it was time to go home.

You told Haz he could already get going since you weren't here with the same car anyway and he was going to drop off Tuwaine.

"Hey, I'm going to my mom's house on on friday to tell her about us." you said after pulling your shoes on and turning to Tom.

"You haven't told her yet?!" he asked.

"No...but I kinda think she knows already. She probably saw the pictures from the premiere."

"Yeah, probably and I'm pretty sure my mom told her already." you chuckled with him.

"Yeah, me too but I still want to tell her myself like in person, you know?" you looked at him and he nodded. "...and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" you asked shyly.

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