t w e n t y

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After less than a week Haz had managed to move out completely. All of his stuff was gone and the house was now all yours.

You and Jenni went to the gym together, early in the morning. Later you went back to your house, getting lunch on the way.

You were about to take a bite of your sandwich when your phone suddenly rang.

You looked at the name and just froze, your unbitten sandwich still in your mouth.

"Y/n, what are you waiting for? Pick it up." Jenni said.

"Yeah, um...I don't know if I should.." you said your mouth still stuffed as you spoke, staring at the phone.

"Why, who is it?" she asked and you didn't answer.

That's when she just took your phone and looked at the ID.

"No way." she said, shocked.

"Is it really Emily?" she asked in disbelief as she looked up at you and you nodded, finally taking the sandwich out of your mouth.

"What should I do?!" you asked, looking at her, hoping she'd have an idea.

"Uhh...just pick it up!" she said, quickly passing you your phone.

"Great." you whispered, pursuing your lips.

After a few seconds you finally got your finger to move but exactly as you tapped the screen the call disappeared and your phone went back to your lock screen.

"She hung up." you looked up at Jenni.

"Well call her back! I don't know!"


You unlocked your phone, searched her contact and started dialing her number. A few rings later, she picked up.

"Hi, Y/n!" she greeted.

"Hey, Emily!" you said, returning the happy tone. "Sorry, I just..." you thought a little bit, "got out of the shower." you lied, shaking your head as Jenni frowned at you.

"Oh, it's okay." she said and you smiled relived.

"What's up?" you asked.

"Um you know the last time we talked, you said we should hang out sometimes."

"Yeah, right!"

"Well i'm coming down to London next month maybe we could do that then?" she asked.

"Uh- yeah! Sure!" you answered quickly, wanting the call to be over as soon as possible.

"Cool!" she smiled to herself.

"Yeah, cool." you said and it was silent for a moment.

"I have to go now but it was nice talking to you and i'm excited to see you next month." she said.

"Yeah, same."

"Okay, bye." she chuckled.

"Bye." and she hung up.

After a full moment of Jenni staring at you curiously, waiting for you to explain what just happened, you finally got yourself to speak.

"She's coming to London next week and we're going to hang out." you said blankly.



"Do you want me to come?" she asked, now worried, knowing you two normally didn't get along very well.

"No, I think it's going to be...fine." you nodded, more likely to convince yourself.

"Really?" she asked, raising her eyebrows still slightly worried.

"Yeah, I mean," you started, "the last time we saw each other she turned out to be really nice."

"Hm...okay." she said as she leaned back in her chair. "But if you change your mind, don't hesitate to call me."

"Okay." you smiled, putting your phone back on the table and then continuing to eat your sandwich.


On the next day, you and Tom went to his family's house. Since you haven't been there for a while and you had promised Paddy you'd come over soon.

On the way there you told Tom about Emily's call and he thought it was cool that you guys were trying to become friends. Or more that you didn't hate each other anymore.

As Tom was about to ring the bell, you stopped him.

"Wait! Let me hide, I want to see how Paddy reacts when he sees just you, without me." you said as you hid at the side of the door.

"How do you know he's going to be the one to open the door? It could also be Sam or one of my parents." he asked, looking at you.

"I just know it's going to be him, okay? Now just do it."

He rang the bell and a couple minutes later someone opened the door screaming your name.

It was Paddy.

"Y/n-" he screamed but as he saw Tom, his excitement disappeared. "Oh, it's just you." he said, his face now neutral.

"Wow. Rude-"

"Hey!" you jumped out of your hiding spot, grinning and as soon as Paddy saw you he screamed your name again and hugged you.

You laughed as you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him back.

"You're never that excited when you see me." you heard Tom say from behind you.

"Yeah because you're not Y/n." Paddy said, poking his head out to look at his older brother and you laughed.

After a well spent day with lots of Mario Kart and a wonderful dinner, you and Tom decided it was time to go. Paddy gave you another tight hug before you left with Tom.

You were staying over at Tom's. You changed into one of his T-shirts while he was in the Toilet, brushing his teeth.

After sitting on his bed and thinking a little bit, you decided to go meet him in the bathroom.

"Hey." you said, wrapping your arms around his bare waist from the side.

"Hey." he smiled, seeing you on the mirror and putting his arm around you after he had wiped his mouth dry.

"Is there anything?" he asked, snapping you back into reality as you were just staring into space.

"Oh- Yeah um, it's just..." he turned so that he was now completely facing you, both of his hands dropping to your hips.

"You can tell me."

"I'd really like to tell Haz about us before we go to LA." you finally said, looking up at him. "But only if you're okay with that."

"Of course I am." he said.

"You sure?" you asked.

"Yes." he answered. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." you smiled.
"And besides that, I really want to tell him too so..." he said and you chuckled.

"Good." you said, "I really hope he doesn't get mad or anything." you said, your smile now fading away as you looked down.

"Hey," he brought his hand up and gently lifted your chin so that you were looking at him again. "everything's going to be fine."

"I really really hope so."

"It's going to be fine." he said again. "And remember we're in this together."

"Yeah." you whispered, smiling as you watched him lean in to meet your lips.

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