s i x t e e n

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Shawn Mendes.

You stood there suddenly stopping in your tracks, staring at him. His speaking to the photographer trailed off once he met your eyes, his mouth hanging slightly open.

You just stared at each other for a while. You didn't really feel anything, you were just in shock. You couldn't believe you were actually gonna shoot with him and that nearly naked.

And then Tom crossed your mind. You wondered what he was gonna think about this. Was he gonna be mad? Will he-

"Y/n?" you heard Zack's voice say and immediately looked at him as he was suddenly standing behind you. "You okay?" he asked.

You looked over to Shawn to see that he had started speaking again but his eyes were still on you.

"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't I be?" you chuckled after clearing your throat.

"Okay good. Now come on, they're waiting for you." he said, already guiding you to everyone.

You greeted the whole crew properly, smiling the whole time until it came to Shawn.

"Okay, Y/n this is Shawn," Dave, the photographer presented you,"and Shawn this is Y/n."

"Hi" you both said at the same time and he was going for a hug.

Something you had normally returned but it suddenly felt wrong so you put out your hand instead, making Shawn take his initiatives for a hug back.

He obviously seemed confused since you had hugged everyone else but finally shook your hand and covered up the confusion in his face with a bright smile which you returned.

The handshake became weird because (again you didn't know why) you both wouldn't let go of each other's hands and wouldn't stop looking at each other as you both awkwardly smiled. You finally let go when the photographer said you were going to start.

After the awkward handshake, it was time to take off your robes. Shawn took off his first and you ended up seeing how fit he was. Not as fit as your wonderful boyfriend but still fit.

You quickly looked away when you saw him smirking, meaning he must have noticed. You felt your cheeks getting hot from embarrassment as you removed your robe.

Once you were done it was now your turn to smirk when you saw him staring at you.

"Okay, Shawn, Y/n, could you guys sit on the couch." Dave said and you guys did as he said. "Uhm, Shawn you sit normally and stretch out your arm while Y/n, you lay down across it but with your back leaning against Shawn." You both shifted in the position he wanted,"Perfect." he said and took the first picture of many.

There were a lot of changes and all and for the last pictures you literally had to wear a bra. And that was exactly when Tom arrived, to come pick you up. He crossed his arms when he saw you posing with Shawn.

The last pictures were done and you were allowed to leave. After saying goodbye to everyone you started to make your way to your changing room when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned to see Shawn.

"Hey." he smiled.

"Hi!" you said, maybe with way too much energy but you nervously laughed it off.

"Uhm, I just wanted to say that it was cool working with you..." he said scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah! Totally! It was fun." you agreed, smiling.

It was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"Do you maybe...wanna go grab some lunch?" he asked, clearly nervous.

"Yeah-" but then you spotted Tom, he had his arms crossed and his jaw was clenched, clearly not a good sign. "Sorry, I can't today." you said, looking back at Shawn with an apologetic smile. You saw his face fall for a second as he let out a low "oh..". "Maybe another time though! I could give you my number?"

'Oh my god. What the hell am I doing??'

"Yeah, that would be amazing." He pulled out his phone, "uh- here." he said passing it to you after unlocking it and opening the phone app.

"Here it is." you smiled, giving him the phone back. You looked over to Tom again and the back to him. "Sorry, I gotta go. It was nice working with you!" you said before running off.

"Yeah." he whispered, star struck.

When you got to Tom, you greeted him with a warm kiss.

"Hi." you smiled after pulling away and slowly starting to continue your walk to the changing room.

"Hey," he said, following you. "who was that?" he asked.

"Tom, you know who that was. It was Shawn. Mendes." you answered.

"What were you guys talking about back there?" he asked, curiously.

"Uhm, he asked me if I wanted to go for lunch with him and I said no 'cause I'm obviously already going with you. I gave him my number so he could text me for another time." you said casually as you walked into the room.

"Hm." he hummed, closing the door.

"What?" you asked, looking at him after hearing the unconvinced tone. He just shrugged, but was clearly still some how irritated. "Tom, are you jealous or something?" you teased with a grin.

"No, it's just- He likes you." he said and your eyes widened while he went to sit on the small brown couch.

"What? No he doesn't, we literally just met." you said, shaking your head.

"Yes, he does. Didn't you see how he looked at you?" he said, finally looking up at you.

"He looked at me just like he looked at everyone else." you said but weren't really sure if that was the truth.

"No, he didn't. And then you posed with him. Almost naked may I add." He said raising his brows at the naked part.

"That was nothing, okay." you said going to sit next to him.

"Well, I don't think it was nothing." he said.

"Tom, I can reassure you that was nothing." you took one of his hands in yours, making him finally look at you. "And even if he does like me, it wouldn't matter because the only person I like and want, is you."

"Okay." he finally smiled, after a long pause.

You slowly started to lean in as his face got closer to yours until your lips finally touched. It started off as a little soft peck in which you smiled into before it turned into a heated make-out session. With you straddling him, his hands exploring your body and yours going through his hair.

"We can't do this here." you breathed, your eyes still closed and your forehead leaning against his as you felt his hand on the space in between your breasts.

"Why not?" he whispered, kissing you again. And you almost got lost again.

"Tom, we just can't." you chuckled, opening your eyes and he looked at you with a cute pouty face that made you smile. "And I'm hungry." you added.

"Okay, then go changed and we'll go get lunch."

You smiled and gave him one more kiss before you went to get changed.

While you got changed, you thought a little bit about everything. Or more about Shawn. Did he really like you? Not that it mattered or anything because you really didn't feel the same. But you were...curious.

"You ready?" Tom asked, bringing you back to reality as you were still in deep thoughts.

"Yeah, we can go." you smiled, grabbing your bag.

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