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Your sleep got disturbed by a loud clucking coming from outside. You groaned and pulled the pillow over your head, covering your ears as you tried to get back to sleep.

The clucking sound was muffled but it was still clearly audible, making your attempt to fall asleep again fail. You turned to the nightstand and grabbed your phone to look at the time. 7:09 am. You groaned out in frustration again before sitting up.

"Stupid chicken." you said as you angrily stood up and went down stairs.

As you walked into the kitchen the lights were already on which was strange since no one seemed to be up yet. You just shrugged it off, thinking someone must have left them on last night.

You stood on your tiptoes, reaching up at the cabinet to get a bowl as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a head in the crook of your neck. You immediately knew who it was.

"You really like doing this, huh?" you said as you stood back on your heels.

"Mhm." he hummed before placing a gentle kiss on your neck. You turned so you were facing him. "Morning." he said, a contagious sleepy smile on his lips.

"Morning." you whispered before he pressed his soft lips to yours.

"Why are you up?" he asked calmly and you gently pushed him away with the hands that were on his chest as you remembered the reason why you were awake.

"Your stupid chicken woke me up." you answered, rolling your eyes while walking to the fridge. "Why are you?"

"The chicken." he said as he took down the bowl you were reaching for earlier.

"Honestly, why the hell did you get-" you stopped talking abruptly after opening the fridge and not finding any milk. "There's no milk."

"Then look for something else to eat."

"But I really wanna eat cereal right now." you whined, closing the fridge and turning to look at him.

He looked at you trying to act annoyed but he just couldn't. The way you crossed your arms, frowned and pouted as you looked at him was just too cute. Your small height making everything even more adorable.

"Go get ready." he sighed but smiled.

"Yay!" you said excitedly, walking over to him and pecking his lips. "I'll be down in ten." you said to him before going back to his room and leaving him in the kitchen as he chuckled to himself.

You changed into your jeans from yesterday and pulled on Tom's Champion hoodie. It was your favorite.

You brushed your teeth, using the toothbrush you always have in your bag, together with some other necessary stuff. Then you tied your hair in a low bun before walking out of his room, going downstairs.

He was waiting for you at the front door, now wearing a hooded jacket, grey sweatpants and his shoes. He smiled as he saw you wearing his hoodie. The one you stole from him most of the times.

"You think I'll let you go out like that?" you asked looking him up and down.

"Like how?" he frowned.

"Like a whore??" he looked down, following the hand gesture you made towards his grey sweatpants and he immediately understood.

"Y/n, it's literally 7am, no one's-"

"No." you cut him off immediately. "I don't want other women looking at you, now go and change." you snapped your fingers towards the stairs.

"Fine." he chuckled, thinking you're cute before going upstairs and changing into a pair of jeans.

"Is this better?" he asked and you looked him up and down again.

"Yes." you smiled as you nodded satisfied and he came closer, laying his hands on your hips."The grey sweatpants look's just for me, okay?" you said innocently looking up at him.

"Mhm." he smiled before kissing you.

"Okay we need to go, I'm hungry and we have to be back before the others wake up." you said after pulling away.

"Yeah, let's go."

Tom drove you to the market and you got the milk and some few other things. On the way back you made a stop at your house, where you took a quick shower and changed your clothes but kept Tom's hoodie on.

You exited the car and walked to the front door, opening it. Tom following after locking his car. It was now almost 9am and the lights were on, so everyone must've woken up.

You walked into the kitchen and met Harry and Harrison, looking like they just woke up.

"Good morning!" you greeted energetically as you laid the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Morning." Harry said before taking a sip of his tea.

"Where were you guys?" Harrison asked.

"We went to get milk and some other stuff because your sister over there, really wanted to eat cereal." Tom answered putting his bags on the counter and you just smiled widely while holding the bowl that was filled with the cereal you had just poured in.

"Tuwaine's still sleeping right?" you asked as you took out the milk from one of the bags.

"Yup." Harry answered and you chuckled, shaking your head before pouring the milk into your bowl and grabbing a spoon.

The morning was pretty calm. Tom made some breakfast for all of you and Tuwaine finally decided to wake up at almost noon.

You guys didn't really do anything until 4pm. Tuwaine was outside in the garden doing whatever while Harrison was in the living room on a phone call with Addison and Harry, Tom and you were sitting at the dining table.

You were sitting next to Tom, one leg lazily hanging on his lap as you scrolled through your phone, him doing the same. He suddenly decided to go live and you had to help him because he had no idea how to start it.

"Here look," you tapped a button, starting the live, "You're live now." you said tilting the phone back towards him.

"Ohhhh." he said fascinated before smiling and saying, "Hi!" he greeted his fans, making you immediately smile at how sweet he was.

He started talking and reading the comments and answering to some questions.

"Marry me, please." he read and for some reason it made you look up from your phone immediately.
Tom saw your reaction and laughed a little bit.

"Sorry, but I'm planning on marrying someone else and she's right here." he turned his phone towards you to show you but you didn't even look it.

You kept your eyes on Tom, pouting your lips and letting out a little "Aww". You leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek but he swiftly turned his head so your lips met his. You pulled away surprised but smiled and he warmly smiled back, completely forgetting you were live.

Your little moment got interrupted by Harry's gagging noises, making you both look at him.

"Can you guys stop. You're not alone here." he said his face plastered with pure disgust.

You and Tom just laughed it off and you went back to your phone while he continued his live, smiling at the comments he read sayings how cute you guys were, after seeing the short kiss.

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