t h r e e

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"What the hell?!" Haz cursed looking at the both of you.

"It's not what you th-" Tom started.

"Its not what I think? Are you serious? You just made a fucking post, announcing your relationship and you're telling me it's not what I think?" Haz asked angrily and then continued,

"She's my sister." he started walking towards Tom, but before he could lay a finger on him you stepped in front of him.

"It's fake!" you said.

"What?" he asked, now more confused than angry.

"It's fake mate." Tom stood up next to you.

"What do you mean?" he asked, still very confused.

You walked towards your nightstand and grabbed your phone.

"Remember my ex? Kyle?" you asked.

"Yes?" he answered while you sat down on your bed.

"Well he texted me saying he wants me back and I obviously said no. " you showed him the texts.

"As you can see he didn't want to leave me alone so I lied, telling him I'm dating Tom so he would leave me alone." he nodded.

"And now me and Tom are fake dating. We will go on that stupid date and after that we will date a little longer and then break up." you grinned.

"Oh..." he turned to Tom, "I'm sorry for yelling at you." he said giving him an apologetic smile.

"It's alright." he said smiling and shaking his head, accepting his apology.

Harrison suddenly stood up.

"Okay, i'll leave you two to plan" he walked towards the door.

"Wait!" he turned and looked at you."You're not allowed to tell anyone." you said in a serious tone. He nodded and then left you and Tom alone.

"So tomorrow movie night?" you asked looking at him.

"Yes, I'll be here by 8pm."

"I'll get the snacks."

"And i'll get the movies." he said and you nodded.

He stood up came over to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, which surprised you. He chuckled as he saw your cheeks turn into a light shade of red.

"See you tomorrow, love." he said and you blushed even harder at the nickname.

"Y-yeah.." you said and it came out more as a whisper.

You didn't even think he had heard you, but the chuckle you heard later confirmed that he did. And with that he left.

After Tom left you texted Jenni - your best friend and asked her if she would come with me to the mall tomorrow, before Tom comes over and she agreed.


On the next morning you woke up at around 9am, took breakfast and then got ready for the day. At noon Jenni picked you up.

Immediately as you entered the car she smirked at you and you already knew what she was going to say.

"So...you and Tom, huh." she said as she wiggled her eyebrows and nudged you with her elbow.

"Yes me and Tom." you smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Oh, my god. Finally!" she said, excitedly clapping her hands.

"What do you mean 'finally'? " you asked confused.

"Oh come on y/n. You guys have been drooling over each other and flirting since i've known you." she said as she started driving.

"No, we didn't." you blushed, shaking your head.

"Yes, you did." she nodded. "Everyone knew you liked each other but the both of you were to stupid to realize it."

You didn't know what to say after that so you just stayed silent.

You felt bad for lying to Jenni, she was your best friend. But it was one of the rules in the contract and you were the one who made it so you especially weren't going to break it.

The whole ride you sang to your favorite songs and had fun, like you guys always did.

At the mall you bought the snacks for the movie night with Tom and also did some shopping.


You and Tom were now in the living room. Starting your movie night.

"Okay so first we're gonna start with Iron Man." he said as he started to search it up on netflix and you groaned.

"Do we really have to?"

"Yes it's in the contract." he said and you groaned once again before grabbing the popcorns and then laying back on the couch.

Tom looked at you and extended his arm.

"Come here." you did as he said and snuggled up onto his chest like you always did. His arm moved to your waist and the movie started.

Everything was fine until that one kind of crazy sex scene came on.

You started to blush and looked up at Tom who was already looking at you. You stared at each other and then immediately started laughing, until it was over. The movie went on and it wasn't even that bad.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"See? I told you." he said and you shrugged.

"Wanna watch another one?" he asked.

"Yes," you nodded, making him smile wide, "but not today." you grinned as his smile dropped.

"What do you wanna do then?"

"Let's go out! To our favorite club!" you said excitedly as you sat up. "I want to dance and have fun!" he looked at you and tilted his head.

"Will you sing?" he asked, raising his brows and half smiling.

"I don't know.."

"Then I'm not going." he crossed his arms.

Something you probably hadn't mentioned before was that you were a well known model that could also sing pretty well.

Tom loves to hear you sing. Actually everyone does, but you don't sing that often in public.

But right then you really wanted to go out and him to come with you. That's the only reason you said..

"Fine. I will."

"Yay!" he smiled wide.

"I'm going to ask Jenni if she'll come to and you can ask the twins maybe?" you asked, raising your brows.

"Okay, i'll call them, what about Haz?"

"He's busy with Addison." you said as you stood up. "I'm gonna change now, you call the twins." he nodded.

You went upstairs and called Jenni before changing your clothes and putting some makeup on. Just as you finished, you heard a knock at your door.

"Yes?" you said as you straightened your jacket.

"Y/n, you ready?" he asked trough the door.

"Yeah, just a second." you quickly grabbed your bag and then went to open the door.

"Good beca-" he abruptly stopped talking when he saw you.

"My eyes are up here mate." you chuckled, snapping him back to reality.

"Y-yeah, sorry." he apologized, looking back up at you. "You look stunning by the way." he said and made you blush.

"Thank you." you smiled at each other.

"Uh we need to go the uber with the twins is here." he finally said.

"Okay, let's go."

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