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It was now time for the date and Tom had picked you up at 7pm, just like planned.

You were now in front of the restaurant. You were really nervous, for a reason you did not know.

"You sure you can do this?" you asked as you fixed his collar and looked him in the eyes.

He smirked and said, "I'm a trained actor, motherfucker." deepening his voice.

You laughed and snuggled your face into his shoulder before looking back up at him. "I'm serious."

"Yeah, it's gonna be just fine." he reassured you, sensing your nervousness. He took both of your hands and held them in his. "Just act normal and see it as a normal double date, okay?"

"Okay." you nodded.

"Come on." he said nodding to the door and letting go of one of your hand to open it.

You smiled at him and walked through the door, his one hand went to your waist.

Kyle and his date had arrived not long before you. When they saw the two of you approaching the table they both stood up.

"Hi, Y/n." Kyle greeted and smiled at you.

"Hi." you forced a smile.

"Tom." he nodded at him his smile vanishing.

"Kyle." he said as he nodded back with a fake smile.

God, the two of them shared the same energy as you you and Emily when you still disliked each other.

"And who is this?" you turned to look at the pretty blonde girl that stood next to him, breaking the tension.

"Oh ehm, this is Lyn." he introduced her.

"Hey." she smiled and waved her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." you put your hand out.

"Yeah, I know! You're amazing." she said as she shook it.

You thought she was kind.

"Aww, thank you." you genuinely smiled at her when you let go.

"Hi, I'm Tom, nice to meet you." was what he said when they shook hands.

You all sat down and the waitress soon came to get your orders. While waiting you shared a nice and civil conversation.

You had ordered spaghetti and while eating, some got on the corners of your mouth. Tom had told you not to order spaghetti, because he knew this was going to happen.

"Where?!" you asked chuckling as you asked him where on your face there was still sauce left and they just laughed at you. "It's not funny!" you said to all of them.

"You're laughing too." Tom said in between laughs.

"Could you just shut up and help me?" you asked and playfully rolled your eyes.

"Okay, okay." he said as he brought the tissue to your face and gently wiped the tomato sauce away.

It was actually very nice and fun. Tom's hand laid on your thigh most of the time. And every time you laughed, you would snuggle your head into his shoulder. Small kisses on the cheeks were shared.

Kyle laughed, but also clenched his jaw as he saw how you interacted with Tom.

Before coming to the date he really thought he could get you back, but as he saw how you were with Tom, the thought instantly vanished.

You looked happy. More than you ever were with him. He loved you and he knew he had made a mistake, but he thought you could somehow forgive him and take him back. But after seeing how happy you were with Tom, he didn't want to ruin it.

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