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You enjoyed the premiere and were currently on your way back to the hotel. Tom walked you back to your room.

"Hey, thank you for coming tonight." he smiled when you reached your door.

"Thanks for taking me." you smiled at him.

"It was my pleasure." he said softly kissing your hand. "And to end this wonderful day I'd like to ask you something."

"And that is?" you asked.

"I know this thing between us hasn't been going on for too long, but I'm very sure about my feelings for you." he nodded and his voice was serious. "So Y/n?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?" he raised his eyebrows, "For real this time?"

"I don't know, Tom..." you said looking down at your hands as his face fell. You looked back up a smile playing on your lips and you chuckled when you saw him, "I'm joking, of course!"

Tom's heart was instantly filled back with joy.

"So now that you're my girlfriend I'm allowed to do this, right?" he said and pulled you closer before gently pressing his lips against yours.

"It's nothing you haven't done before." you said after you shortly pulled away but instantly kissed him again.

You both smiled into the kiss before it got heated.

"I think we should get it in." you said breathlessly already searching for your keycard while Tom placed kisses on your neck.

"Yeah." he went back to your lips.

The door finally unlocked and you stormed in, closing the door behind you. You quickly kicked your shoes off and Tom's hands went to the zip of your dress, letting it fall as he unzipped it. He pushed you up against the wall and you wrapped your legs around him.

"We're not really good in taking things slow, are we?" you chuckled.

"No, not really." he said in between kisses.

He carried you to bed, clothes were soon gone and I think we all know what happened after that...


When you woke up Tom was holding you close and you were all snuggled up against his chest. You opened your eyes as you felt like someone staring at you. And saw Tom sleepily looking at you.

"Why are you always starting at me?" you asked, covering your face with one hand.

"'cause you're cute." he said, pushing your hand away and gently kissing your forehead.

You groaned and tried to stand up but you were pulled back to bed.

"Tom, we should get up."

"No, let's stay here." he said as he snuggled his head into the crook of your neck.

"You still have press." you reminded him and he groaned.

"I don't wanna go." you chuckled as he quoted the line Peter Parker said in his death scene.

"Well you have to," you stood up, this time successfully. "you can sleep during our flight back to London, tonight." He groaned again before sitting up. "I'm gonna take a shower." you said already walking into the bathroom and he nodded his head.

He sat on the bed for a little while before he heard you say: "You coming or what?"

He stayed sited, dumbfounded for a minute before saying, "Ohhhh." quickly getting up and meeting you in the shower.

Things got hot. Again.


After showering you got breakfast together and you later went to the interview he was having with BBC Radio 1.

You were holding back a laugh when Tom told how he used to copy your brother's homework and you thought back to that day, remembering how your parents were scolding at him after the teacher had called them and told them about it. You were just standing behind them watching the whole scene and grinning ear to ear because he was in trouble.

"Y/n, I see you smiling over there," she said, bringing you back to the present. "can you confirm the story?"

You nodded instantly.

She looked back at Tom and said, "You, low life." she said.

"That's not low, that's clever." he said shaking his head and nodding it at the end.

And that's when you couldn't hold it in anymore and you just laughed. Along with the interviewer's colleague.


You were at the airport you got through security and were just waiting for your flight to arrive, since it was delayed.

"Y/n?!" you heard someone say and you turned you head to see Hailey, one of your friends.

"Hailey!!" you screamed already standing up and running towards her with open arms, making Tom remove his airpod from his ear and follow you with his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" you said as you released from the hug.

"I had a job here, what about you?"

"Uhm, I was here for my boyfriend. Yesterday was the premiere of his new movie, I accompanied him and now we're flying back to London." you explained.

"Boyfriend?" she smirked.

"Yeah, I'm the boyfriend." Tom said and smiled from behind you, making you both look at him.

"Hailey, this is Tom. Tom Holland." you introduced him.

"Ohh yeah." she nodded as she recognized him.

"And Tom, this is Hailey. Hailey..." you trailed, remembering she was now married. "Bieber."

You had met Hailey through modeling in 2017. You were really close but kind of drifted apart. You were invited to her beautiful wedding and met a lot of other celebrities through it.

"Nice to meet you." Tom said when they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too." she smiled.

"Where's Justin?" you asked.

"Oh ehm," she looked around, "he's right there." she said when she spotted him as he was walking towards us.

"Y/n!" he said when he saw you and hugged you.
"How are you?" he said when you released and he was now standing next to his wife.

"I'm great thanks." you answered. "Justin, this is-"

"Tom Holland." he said nodding and looking at him.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Tom said when he shook his hand.

"Saw your interview the other day, really appreciate it man." he said genuinely smiling at him.

"No worries." Tom smiled.

You caught up a little bit before your flight was called.

"Sorry that's our flight." you apologized.

You said your goodbyes and hugged both of them once more. Tom waved at them. You went to your gate and after that you were able to board the plane.

"You never told me you knew Justin Bieber." he said, laying his head on your shoulder.

"I never had a reason to." you said looking down at him.

"Right," he said before looking up at you and saying, "Goodnight." and pouting his lips.

"Night Tommy." you said after pecking his lips.

He laid his head back on your shoulder and you laid your head against his, soon drifting off to sleep.

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