t h i r t y

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A week had passed and you had finished recording your single and were able to go back home.

You were boarding the flight to London and looking for your seat. Once you had found it, you sat down and started making yourself comfortable.

You sent a quick text to Tom to let him know you were soon departing. As you were about to put your phone away, it rang shortly.

You smiled, thinking it was a text from Tom with the usual 'i love you' but frowned as you saw an anonymous number had sent you a picture.

You unlocked your phone and quickly opened   your messages to see what the picture was and what you saw literally broke your heart.

It was a picture of Tom and Emily, kissing. It was definitely recent because you recognized Tom's outfit from last week.

You tried to think of any good reason to why Tom would ever do that to you, after knowing how devastated you were the last time this same thing happened. But you found none.

Lastly, your brother was right. Tom was exactly like every other guy you had been with.

Your phone rang again and this time it actually was Tom's usual "i love you" text, but instead of answering, you simply left him on read.

You put in your airpods, started playing some music and then turned your phone into airplane mode before switching it off.

You looked out of the airplanes' small window as your tears slowly started falling as you asked yourself again, why?


After Toms' meeting ended at around 4pm, he directly made his way to your house knowing you had arrived at 3:10pm.

He happily got out of his car and made sure he had locked it before quickly pacing to your front door.

He knocked on your door and it took a while for you to open it. But once you did, Toms' heart dropped.

The smile he had on his lips just a couple of seconds ago was gone when he saw how red and puffy your eyes were from all the crying, you looked like a mess.

"Y/n, what happened-" he said as he tried to reach for you but you stopped him immediately.

"Don't-" you said, not able to look him in the eyes, "Don't touch me."

"Why- what's wrong?" he asked, seriously concerned.

You were quiet for a moment before you looked up at him, finally meeting his eyes.

"Did you kiss Emily?" you asked, already knowing the answer but you wanted to see what he'd say.

He saw the look in your eyes, the same look you had the last time you had gotten hurt by someone.

You were broken. And this time, because of him. He had done this to you. And knowing that, made his heart ache.

"Who told you that?" he asked after silence.

"Did you." you repeated, ignoring his question.

"Yes, I did." he sighed and your heart broke again. "But I swear, Y/n, there's a good explanation-"

"And here I thought you were different." you chuckled to yourself. "Haz was completely right." you whispered.

"Y/n, please, just let me explain," he tried.

"No!" you stopped him, "I don't want to hear it anymore." you shook your head, tears slowly starting to form again.

"This," you pointed between the both of you, "this...relationship, or whatever this was to you..." you paused before breaking his heart with your next words, "is over."

"No, no, no, no, no-" he repeated, shaking his head as now his tears started to fall while he watched you shut the door in his face.

Once he couldn't see you anymore, you let your tears fall too.

"Y/n, please, open the door." he pleaded. "Please, Y/n, I can explain- let me explain!"

You turned around and slid down the door until you were sitting on the ground with your back against it.

You could hear his sobs as he continued begging while you were muffling yours with your hand.

"Please, I love you!" he said, his voice broken just like you. His words just made you cry even harder.

It got silent after a while but he was still there, you could still hear his sobs through the door.

But they slowly started to faint and you heard a car door open and close, an engine going on and a car speeding away.

You assumed Tom had finally given up and once you opened the door you assumption was right. He had, and he was gone.

You put your shoes on, grabbed your keys and got in your own car. You started driving.

Your stopped your car in front of the house of the only person you needed right now, hoping they'd be home.

You knocked at the door and not long after it opened.

"Y/n?" he asked, confused as to why you were there since Tom had told him you guys would be together.

"Hey, Haz." you smiled, trying to hide your broken voice but failing terribly.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

You turned your gaze up and he finally saw you. He wrapped his arms around you just as you started to bust out in tears.

"Shhhh, everything's going to be okay." he whispered to you, rubbing your back as you cried in his arms.

"Do I miss anything?" you suddenly asked.

"No, of course not, Y/n, you're amazing." he answered almost immediately, frowning as he continued to rub your back.

"Then why am I never enough?"

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