Ice cream

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„Ugh! You're the worst date ever." Lucy groaned as she rubbed her fiancé's back after he almost threw up on a child.

Lucy had begged him and said she wanted to try out a new rollercoaster but she didn't think of the consequences about bringing a motion sick person with her.

Now she was forced to take care of him again and she was rubbing his back for good twenty minutes already but Natsu just didn't seem to get better.

„Seriously, do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" Lucy asked after some more time.

„No..." he muttered and slowly sat up again.

"You feel you better now?" Lucy huffed in annoyance and stopped rubbing his back.

"No, but I can't take your annoying complaints anymore." Natsu answered shortly and got up.

"Annoying?!" the brown eyed woman yolked angrily and got up as well.

"I'm sorry but YOU are the one who complaints about every little thing all the time!" she added while pointing her finger at him.

"See, you're doing it again..." he said and covered his ears.

Lucy was thinking about hitting him but decided not to when she saw the glances from the other people.

"I wish I had stayed with Levy and the others." she said loudly on purpose, so that her fiancé could hear her clearly.

"I wish I had stayed with my girls." he only imitated her, knowing that he only provoked her even more.

"I wish you wouldn't go to my school." she fired back.

"I wish I hadn't broken up with all of my girlfriends." he laughed but stopped abruptly when he saw an all too familiar person in front of him.

One of his ex girlfriends.

A crazy one too.

When Natsu stopped so quickly, Lucy slammed hard against him and held her nose in pain.

"You idiot! Why did you stop walking?!" she asked, but he ignored her, being deep in his thoughts, because he needed a plan to sneak away with Lucy unnoticed.

"Natsu! Hello!" she repeated multiple times.

Natsu jerked around and covered her mouth with his hands.

"Are you crazy ?! Stop screaming-" he whispered but it was already too late.

His ex girlfriend had already seen him and immediately rushed to him, hugging him from behind as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Baby! I missed you so much! Why did you break up with me so suddenly?" The white-haired woman

Lucy widened her eyes as she recognized and understood the situation.

Natsu cringed in embarrassment and stared into the blonde's eyes, trying to see some sort of bad feeling in them.

To his surprise, he saw neither anger, jealousy, nor sadness.

Instead, the blonde covered her mouth with her hands, stopping herself from laughing as she took a few steps backwards.

Finally the ex saw the blonde and let go of Natsu to get a better look at her.

As she stepped forward, Lucy noticed how tall and mature the woman in front of her already was.

She was definitely older than Natsu, she knew that straight away.

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