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Lucy's P.O.V

Man, I had to work three hours overtime just because there were too many customers.

I like working but I'm not that fit to be standing on my feet for literally ten hours all day long without a break, not even one.

I didn't even get to eat or drink anything.

Not that it's new to me because I'm used to not eat much anyways since we didn't have too much food at home.

Whenever I got the chance though, I'd eat like a pig.

After 30 minutes I finally reached my...I mean, our house.

It's darker than when I left the café, good thing I'm already home!

I unlocked the door and stepped in, only to be greeted by my fiancé's very upset looking face.

„Where were you for so long?" He asked me with crossed arms.

„Yeah my day was okay, thanks for aski-" I jokingly sighed but was interrupted by him.

„I'm not kidding." He sternly said.

„As I told you this morning, I went to work." I answered him and took off my shoes.

„For so long?" He outraged, pointing his finger at the dark sky through a window, reminding me how late it already was.

„There were many customers so I had to work overtime." I told him.

„What kind of work is that? Why do they let you work so much? Just quit that job already." He sounded really annoyed and upset.

„It's a café and no, I won't quit." I said with no hesitation.

„I will find other jobs for you if you want to work so bad, let's look for a new one tomorrow." He suggested.

He's being really nice since yesterday....pretty weird.

„I can't, I have work tomorrow." I gave him an
apologetic smile and walked past him, just for him to grab my wrist in order to stop me from walking away.

I turned around and faced him again.

„Work again? Don't they have other employees in that café?" He asked angrily, still holding onto my arm.

„I work in a library on Sundays." I told him truthfully.

„What?! Why do you have two jobs?!" His face told me that he was shocked.

„In order to live, bro." I patted him on his shoulder.

„Let me make something clear: You cannot refer to your fiancé as bro, and you cannot work so much." He strictly said.

„Why can't I work so much?" I wondered.

„I don't want a weak woman who works overtime to carry my children." He simply answered.

What the hell!!

„Who said I'm going to carry your children?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at him.

„You'll be my wife, so you'll also carry my children?" He duh'ed me.

„You and I both know that this is a set up by our parents, right? After we get married, we'll immediately get a divorce. Just treat me as an acquaintance for the time being." I sighed.

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