Chapter 1. The entrance exam

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I woke up and stepped out of my bed.
I sat there for a moment feeling the air...
Mum was home...
I took a deep breath and got dressed then went down stairs with my stuff...
Just as I reached for the door handle I heard her...
"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING" she yelled from the couch with the tv still on, she slammed a bottle of beer next to her on the table and I hears 3 other clatters. There were 4 bottles as far as I knew... she was drunk...
"Out" I said plainly.
"Tch get 2 new boxes of beer on your way back that's an order"
"Yep" I sighed.
I went out and felt the earth around me.
There were several vibrations.
Two were cars and the others were people walking either to ua for the entrance exam or just going for a walk.
I closed my eyes Because there was no point of keeping them open other than for my secrets sake.
I arrived at ua and sat in the closest empty seat to me while a loud hero started talking about what will happen.
We all stepped out and were guided to our areas.
I was put with a large amount of people.
I felt the air currents to stop myself from bumping into people.
Then I passed two boys...
I listened to their conversation...
"Can't you see that girl is thinking she does not want to be bothered" one of them said.
The other boy mumbled and stuttered.
I looked into his mind.
I just wanted to thank her for catching me earlier
I turned back around in the direction of the two boys...

Midoriyas POV.

The boy called iida continued to lecture me...
Until someone else joined walked up to us...
She had white hair and a scar over her right eye her puples were a ghost like blue barely able to be seen she also had huge bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days and she had a blank face on she turned her head to look at iida and spoke with a dull voice like she was bored.
"Please stop harassing this poor kid"
"I-I wasn't harassing him!"
"Mhm sure what would you call some one coming up to you and lecturing you about basically nothing, yea it's called harassing so bugger off and leave him alone"
Iidas face grew red and he walked off in a hurry.
She then turned to me... looking like she was looking threw me...
"Your welcome now go talk to that girl" she turned around and continued to the gate...
I watched her go in a daze...

Machis POV.

The trials began...
I took down quite a few robots...
I couldn't quite tell how many points they each were...
Even with the bottom of my shoes gone I couldn't quite feel the exact weight they were...
Then I felt strong vibrations...
Of something huge...
I rushed to the scene...
I heard many people yelling...
I felt the air shift as they ran away...
I dodged them and kept running...
Then I felt a light thud on the ground...
It was that kid from before...
I looked up so it wouldn't look weird because I figured out what the big thing was...
It was the 0 point robot...
I heard a scream and a grunt...
I also heard the boy next to me gasp...
I slid my foot slightly forward so I got a better feel...
It was two heavy objects...
With something the weight of a person in between...
I looked into the boys mind and heard...
Oh no it's the nice girl... she's trapped
"Then go save her damn it" I told him.
I felt him flinch...
There wasn't much movement after that...
"Hurry and go" he go up and there was a huge rush of air and the earth around him broke...then the robot went flying backwards...
Then the boy was falling...
I heard the girl in the rocks scream...
I stomped my foot on the ground and slid it making The rock on top of her move...
"JUST CATCH HIM UNDERSTAND?" I yelled at her... I shot my fist into the air making a pillar of earth shooting her up...
I felt the air around them and she had caught him...
I put my arms in front of my face then slid them outwards and spun causing the two to slide down in a spiral to the ground then I created a soft flower bed for them to land on...
Once they landed I fell to the ground exhausted...
My face suddenly hit the ground and I blacked out...

Urarakas POV.

The plain looking boy and I landed on the ground safely thanks to the white haired girl...
The white haired girl?
I looked around to see both of her arms bleeding and she was face first on the ground...
I rushed over to her tapping her to zero gravity and I grabbed her leg as she floated up next to the plain boy and I carried them both like balloons to the nurses office...

Machis POV.

I awoke in a bed...
A comfy one too...
I got off and my feet hit a cold floor...
"Oh hello dear your awake" I heard an old lady say.
I jumped and turned in the direction of her voice...
"I must say dear you have quite powerful quirks" I didn't answer her... I focused on the air...
There was someone else in the room...
"Where am I, who are you and who else is here" i said looking in the direction of the other persons breathing.
"Your in the school hospital aka first aid room, I am recovery girl and.... can't you see? He was brought in here with you by the lovely young lady"
"I- never mind" I say realising by the air pressure around the kid was held up...
he was awake...
"I can't talk about it with a crowd" i said simply.
"What do you mean dear?"
I pointed toward the kids direction...
"He's awake and eavesdropping" I felt the air around him was released and he sat up.
"Sorry but apparently you saved me back there so I had to find out more about you" he said quietly.
"It's fine but if you want to know something just ask" I said stairing at the unfamiliar ground.
"I-I ok what's your quirks?"
"Elements and telekinesis I can control the elements and read minds the bad things is that with elements I will feel sick faint or bleed randomly, but for telekinesis I get huge migraines and faint" I explain.
Everyone is silent...
"I'll take my leave now" I say wondering if I got into ua.
But I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise I was heading towards the wall...
"WAIT" he called but it was too late...
I slammed face first into the wall...
"ARG SHIT IM LATE" i yelling remembering my mum...
I arrive at the bottle shop and the usual person was there.
"Wow she ran out that quickly huh?" He asked.
"Why are you sweating?"
"I was in the ua entrance exam"
"Damn good on you how did it go"
"Pretty well"
"That's good so how many boxes?"
"Ok I'll be back"
He took a moment...
He was the only non teacher/parent who knew I was blind.
He arrived and gave me the boxes.
I heard him open his water bottle lid for me and I used the water to carry the beer boxes.
"Thanks gondo " i said smiling
"No prob I'll see you next time"
I left the shop and went home.
I set the boxes on the bench and heard mother asleep on the couch.
I sighed a sight of relief...
I walked up to my room knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I got the letter.
I sat on my bed and started watching attack on titan...
A few days passed since the exam and I got the letter late at night.
I listened to the hologram and it said I got in...
I flopped onto my bed relived...
And I got a good nights sleep....

Blind (tokoyami x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang