Part 24: Search

575 15 13

"Your father"

The words echoed in my skull.

I was distracted.

I let my guard down.

He pressed his hand to mine.

And my arm exploded in a bloody mess.

I was in too much shock to think about it.


He couldn't be

He hasn't visited, or even contacted in over four years.

I start to feel weak.

Overhaul gets up.

My leg


My arm gone

Over I fell

And I hit the ground in a bloody mess.

You need to get up!

My body is broken.

Then just let me back!

But you will get hurt.

Father is alive!
Gondo is waiting for us to visit him!
Shoji was going to show us what he looks like under his mask!
Shinso and Tamaki, they are expecting us to come back alive!
Shota and Hizashi want to have a father-daughter night!

Fumikage is waiting for us to return!

Your right.

My body shrunk.

My missing limbs grew back.

My injury's and scars.


I Stand up and grin.

"Where is he" my cold voice echos through the cavern.

I stand protectively in front of Mirio on the ground, ready to attack.

"Oh now wouldn't you like to know"
He sent a pillar of stone towards me.

It hit me

And crumpled like sand.

I grinned as I danced forward.

Punching him once.


Third time he caught me.

So I kicked him in the nuts.

I punched his face again, wreaking the mask he wore.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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