Chapter 2. First day.

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This pic above is your hero outfit aka your quirks being active
Also this is a long chapter
I walked out the door in my new uniform...
Class was still another 2 hours away but I left anyway...
I hoped no one would notice the bottom of my shoes and socks were gone...
I arrived at my assigned class and opened the overly large door.
The teacher wasn't here yet...
I went to the darkest corner of the class set my bag down and slept with my face down in my arms...
1, 1/2  hours later I was awoken by voices...
I stayed where I was but I planted both my feet to the ground and rolled my sleeves up to feel the air... two males three females entered... one of them stomped off to his desk, the other was slightly heavier than  the rest like the boy at the entrance exam was.
Great he's in my class
There was one bouncy, one slower moving one who ribbeted occasionally and one quite one.
"Wow that door is huge isn't it jiro?" The bouncy one asked the quiet one.
"Yea do you think there is someone tall in the class?" She replied.
"Kero I don't know all the classes had big doors so I think it's nothing special" the frog one said.
Then some others entered.
I thought that was all of them but more came.
"Bakugo feet off the desk it isn't respectful!" I heard the whiny boy say.
"And you head up and no sleeping in class" he says to me...
I feel the air move as everyone faces me...
I raise my head with eyes still closed...
"Stop whining for once and since your brain is that hollow I'll explain something... class. Doesn't. Start. For. 10. More. Minutes. So shut up" I speak tiredly to him placing my head back down.
A few people laughed.
A few people like the boy 'bakugo' were wheezing with laughter.
A few were silent.
And the boy was standing there stunned.
The class bell rang a while later and a man in a sleeping bag crawled from behind the desk.
"Everyone today we are starting with a quirk assessment" he told everyone.
I sighed and lifted my head up...
Everyone else stood up and left...
They left me alone to grab my bag and leave...
before I left the teacher stopped me...
"Excuse me but you look troubled are you ok?" He asked
It surprised me, by his voice and tired movement for looked like someone who wouldn't give a crap...
"I- yeah... I am... I'm only telling you because you are my teacher... I'm blind" i said.
He sucked in a breath obviously surprised...
"Do... do you need help walking?"
"No it's part of my quirk to be able to walk around without bumping into anyone... also please I have a few requests... please no matter what call me machi and machi only and please never tell anyone that I'm blind"
".... alright now let's head down"
We walk down in silence side by side.
I reach into his mind and find a mess... a clean mess...
What's her quirk?
Why does she have a scar?
What's it like being blind?
Why does she have bags under her eyes she was sleeping just fine before...
We reached the training grounds and I stand with the group of students...
I couldn't tell where they were facing though...
I look down and concentrate...
It was hard to concentrate with 20 voices speaking around me...
I feel a hand on my shoulder...
I flinch away remembering my mother doing that to me and burning me with the fire in her hands.
I turn around to look at the figure...
I was freaking out not knowing where to look...
"Hey are you ok?" I look at the voice and find where their breathing.
I look at them.
I can't see anything but the words hey are you ok in that deep voice... it was enticing.
"I-no I mean sure... I have to go" I walk away to the teacher and he starts talking.
"Ok class you will be doing a quirk assessment"
He gets Bakugo to throw a baseball and someone said
"Wow 750 metres that's a lot"
"So we get to use your quirks freely this will be fun" the girl 'Mina' said.
"Fun huh?" The teacher said.
"All right whoever comes in last place will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion" everyone gasped at that and started talking over each other...
but the vibrations echoing off of him ment he was lying...
I looked his way and grinned...
I could tell he was smiling right back at me...
"Aizawa sensei this is a bit unfair" I heard the girl who helped me save the boy say.
Before he could reply I turned to her and said...
"Life is full of unfairness... people dying, tragic accidents... abusing... villains and much more... that why people train to be hero's... to stop it all..." I walked away after that.
The first test was a race and I was up against the boy from before bakugo...
He got into his stance but when the robots said get set I jumped high into the air just in time to carry myself with air and blast fire out of my hands...
I won by a Miller second...
Next was grip strength...
I didn't use my quirk for that I just used muscles...
Next was standing long jump I used the water from everyone's water bottles to create a wave to serf across on...
Next was repeated side steps...
I used the water again to rock back and forth with...
Next was ball throw...
The kid that I saved in the entrance exam...
Apparently did an amazing throw...
I felt the way the air shifted around him and how the ground broke like last time...
He was impressive...
I just covered it in water then threw the direction aizawa whispered to me...
it got 803 meters...
Everyone was talking and cheering but I just walked back with a black face and stood next to aizawa.
The next few tests were easy but then it was time for the results...
Aizawa just stood there in silence...
But everyone else was talking...
"Wow I got so high"
"What was your score"
"I got 11th"
"At least I wasn't last"
I just stood there looking at the ground realising it was a projection so I couldn't see it.
"Who is machi? No last name was put just machi"
That made me laugh...
"That would be me" I say returning to my blank face...
"How can you be so calm getting 2nd place wow"
I flinch and look up pretending to be interested...
Then aizawa announced that last place wasn't going to be expelled
Everyone let's out a sigh of relief
English and lunch go by quickly and then the class is sitting in silence waiting for the teacher to arrive.
I start to fall asleep when I hear a voice I've only heard on tv...
Everyone again started talking.
"It's all might"
"I can't believe he is our teacher"
"I wonder if I can get an autograph"
I just lie the still.
The girls walk into the changing area and I follow after them...
"Hello there I'm Mina ashido but call me Mina what's your name?" The bubbly girl askes me.
I feel my eyes drooping...
"Machi? Just machi?"
"Oh ok"
Soon they all introduce themselves.
Then we get dressed.
The teams are made but there is an extra...
"I'll work on my own" I say to all might looking at the ground again
"Possible for me now please tone it down I have a headache from my quirk"
Everyone was surprised that I back talked all might.
Soon we all went into a surveillance room...
I felt my surroundings in the air...
Other than the people there way nothing to get in my way...
As soon as everyone was over by the camera things I rest my back to the wall and slide down...
I make a bubble of air around me to block out the sound...
So I sit there enjoying the quiet...
But it doesn't last long...
"Machi or whatever your name is you must join this activity and watch what you classmates are doing so you have a better chance of success!" The boy iida yelled at me.
I was about to say something back when we were interrupted...
"Young iida you can return now I'll talk the her" all might said.
I looked down again...
He was a teacher... right?
Not just a stuck up hero...
"Hello young Machi? Was it?"
I nod
"Care to tell me why you aren't joining us"
I stare down asking myself if I should tell him of not...
"Is there anyone else around? I'm gathering energy so i can't tell"
All might pauses then says:
"Ok... I'm blind big surprise now tell no one at all ok?"
All might agreed then left in a daze...
I was getting some more quiet then I was interrupted again...
"Who's there" I say still looking at the ground.
"Hello my name is tokoyami your quirk is quite impressive" it was the enticing voice from before...
I looked up finding the source of his breathing...
"Thank you" I said blandly.
I felt the air shift around him, he was sitting down.
"So... why are you not watching the other teams" he asked.
I thought for a moment trying to find my way around that question.
"I could ask the same about you" I said.
"I just saw you and you looked bored so I came to find out more about you... and since you seem unfazed by my unusual looks you get more and more mysterious" he answered.
"Yeah... mysterious... what do you want to know"
"Why you aren't watching to other teams"
"Alright why did you back talk all might like that?"
"Personal reasons"
"Is machi your name or do you have a last name?"
"Machi is my nickname my full name I prefer not to say"
"Because I don't like my name"
"Ok why are you always looking at people with a blank face"
"Because I don't know what other face to put on"
"Why did you ask to be put on a team alone"
"Because I have strong quirks"
"Oh so you have more than one?"
"What is it?"
"You will have to see"
"Do you know who you are facing?"
"Me and bakugo"
Suddenly all might declared the end of the match and called me, tokoyami and bakugo up.
"Young... machi is going to be the hero and bakugo and tokoyami are going to be the villains"
I put in the ear piece waited for the boys to set up.
I walked in and felt the air...
I felt nothing...
I turned on telekinesis....
This bird brained extra is going to give our spot away if he doesn't shut up -b
Then I heard two voices inside one...
Hey fumikage the girl before was really pretty don't you think?
Dark shadow shut up I'm trying to focus
I walked towards the voices, not tripping over anything or running into something...
I reached the door and I instantly froze the two boys.
I walked past them and went for the light paper weapon...
Then I was knocked over...
I sat there shocked starring straight ahead...
I could only Sense two body's...
Dark shadow...
It was tokoyamis quirk...
I cursed and created a dome of earth around me...
I walked to the weapon feeling something pounding the walls that surrounded me...
I touched it...
I collapsed to the ground and felt something warm trickle down my arm...
I sighed and got up...
I unfreezes the boys and stumbled...
"Wait she's gonna fall" I heard the voice from before say...
I indeed fell...
Into somethings arms...

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