8| The Weasley Twins

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James noticed Sirius's behaviour. He noticed the way Sirius always had his head inside the newspaper. He noticed how Sirius was always worried about something. He also noticed the way Moony and Lily started acting the same way after Sirius had talked to them both.

James also noticed how Sirius tried to ignore James wherever he went.

James sat in the common room, his face in his palms as he thought about Sirius and his behaviour.

"Hey, Jack... You okay?" Someone asked.

James looked up. On seeing Harry, he stiffened. It was almost a habit now. "Yeah! Er... what about you?"

"I am fine," Harry said sitting down opposite to James who was internally panicking. "So, you guys aren't talking much, huh?"

"Who guys?" James asked confused.

"Shrek and," He hesistated but continued. "Shrek, Robin and you."

"I don't know what's wrong," James confessed as his panic completely vanished.

"Maybe you could ask them? Maybe you could do something together... something you guys haven't done in a long time," Harry spoke slowly as the gears in James' mind turned. It was as if someone had oiled them.

"YES!" He jumped up in joy. "Thank you, Harry. Thank You!!"

James turned and ran. He ran to find his friend and cheer him up.


"So, who is it, Angelina?" James asked excited.

James had met up with Sirius and Moony and had acted as if he were bored.

"Let's do something," He had recited his plan and they had hesitantly agreed which made James worry even more.

The three Marauders had found a few of Lily's dorm mates in the Griffindor common room and had had a chat with them. Then, they had asked them the actual question. Their horrified faces were really increasing the curiosity in the Marauders. Angelina finally answered.

"Fred and George, The Weasley Twins."


The Weasley Twins were having an amazing day. The sun was shining brightly and they had pulled small pranks on a few first years. As the sun set, they returned to the Griffindor tower.

They say the password to the fat lady and entered the common room.

"George, what if March actually had 32 days and April 1st is just a prank!?!" Fred exclaimed.

George laughed, "Who needs April fools when your whole life is a jok-"

He stopped speaking when he saw bees coming in his direction. "Freddie, do you see that!?!"

*Cas has entered the story*

"I watch the bees."

*Cas has left the story*

Fred, who was horrified (and a bit confused), nodded, "RUN!!"

They turned and ran. The students standing beside them laughed. But the twins just ran trying to escape the bees. Standing in front of them was Robin, who smiled and raised his wand.

The twins' eyes widened as they realized what was happening.

Robin said something that they couldn't hear and Fred started to cough and vomit slugs. George, who had managed to move aside, took out his own wand.



He turned to see who was behind him but didn't get the chance when he fell down on the ground laughing recklessly.

George felt himself getting tickled but no one was standing nearby. "Stop!" His laughs drowned in the laughter of the other students.

On the other hand, Fred, disgusted, kept vomiting slugs.

The twins looked up slowly to see three people standing above them - Jack Armstrong, Shrek Shrewsbury and Robin Lane. (Not to mention Castiel who was still watching the bees...)

Jack winked.

"Georgie, are you seeing this?" Fred smirked as he stopped vomiting slugs.

"Y- yes, F-red," George, who had stopped laughing, glared. He took a deep breath. "Looks like someone just started a prank war."

Shrek (Sirius) smirked forgetting all his worries. "Bring it on, boys!"

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