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"Anakin, Rex prepare all forces, we're jumping to hyperspace immediately."

"So the attack on Mandalore was approved?"

"No, its Coruscant. Grevious has attacked the capital."

"What about the chancellor?"

"Shaak Ti has been sent to protect him but Master Windu has lost contact. Not to worry, our fleet can be there within the hour."

"So that's it? You're going to abandon Bo Katan and her people?"

"Ahsoka, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the clone wars. The heart of the republic is under attack."

"I understand that as usual you're playing politics. This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi, I had too, until I was reminded of what the order means to people who truly need us."

"Right now, the people on Coruscant need us."

"No, the chancellor needs you."

"That's not fair."

"I'm not trying to be."

"Time to save the day, as always." Thought Anakin.

"I'll divide the 501st, make a new division under Ahsoka's command."

"Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the grand army of the republic."

"We'll, promote Rex as Commander and have him lead the division. Ahsoka can go with him as an advisor."

"What do you say?"

"I accept, that is, if Obi Wan agrees."

"Very well." He finished, "May the force be with you."

Obi Wan walked towards the door.

"Oh, one other thing, I killed Maul once. Best to capture him, he doesn't seem to stay dead."

"Thanks for the support, as always."

"That's what friends are for."

"If you're gonna face Maul, you'll need these."

She unlocked the box, unveiling the lightsabers she had tucked away.

"I took care of them, they're good as new."

"Maybe a little better." He teased.

"You capture Maul, I take care of Grevious. With any luck, this will all be over soon."

"Master Kenobi always said there's no such thing as luck."

"Good thing I taught you otherwise." He chuckled lightly.

Just before he left the door, Ahsoka decided to give him one last goodbye. As if it would be the very last time she'd ever deem the luxury to do so.

"Anakin." She paused, "Good luck."

"What are you waiting for? Get out there!"

"Sorry, I didn't think to bring your Jetpack."

"Don't need one." She smiled, "Race you to the surface."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Evading the blaster shots fired upon her, she leaped onto one of her cruisers, kicking and swinging with her sabers dismantling them completely.

Slashing the jetpack of one, she struck down in an attempt to eradicate the Mandalorian. Affirming her major offensive, she constantly blocked the shots and deflected them with ease.

Skimping onto another republic cruiser once again, she kicked them both and struck sideways, disabling the jetpack of another opponent.

Ahsoka clung onto the twirling Mandalorian, kicking him away as she approached another ship. Leaping onto a descending cruiser to protect the life of another one of her troopers.

As she was imported onto the surface, her lightsabers firmly stabbed the solid ground: applying friction for her cascading carcass.

With legions of clones attaining the surface, she delegated adequate effort to halt their attacks and pollster the husky Mandalorians.

"Beat you."

"Some things never change." He chuckled.

Ahsoka ran through the tunnel tubes, determined to protect his men, only to have them running in various different directions: chasing the enemy.

Our hero was about to reach Vaughn, when her instincts insisted on her moving out of the way in an attempt to avoid a blaster shot.

A thump was the next thing she heard, the trooper's body lying on the ground.

She instantly darted towards him, in hopes of preserving at least one of her friends. Though much to her demise, Vaughn was gone. Mustering the words 'I'm sorry...commander.'

Then she sensed an extravagantly dark presence, one that had been lurking behind the shadows for far too long.

At first sight, Ahsoka fortified her defences, raising her lightsabers at the zabrack as his dark red face illuminated the tunnels. Furthermore, the several Mandalorians also emerged from behind, aiming their blasters at Ahsoka whom turned and twisted with every thud.

It indeed was Maul, but it wasn't him that she feared. It was the boy standing next to him that shocked her even more. 

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