
874 41 25

Contains: guns, blood


The unknown party reached the elevator and took it down to the unmarked floor. The ride down seemed extremely long as well as extremely short. Who knew what they were going to encounter?

Akaashi was the first to step out of the elevator, gun ready in his hand. The floor was almost like a museum exhibit. It had white tile flooring and bookshelves lining the walls. In the center of the massive room there were casings of treasures.

The unknown floor was almost a library of goods. The whole group spread out searching the room for anyone or the One Piece.

Kageyama moved silently through the room, rounding on a bookshelf only to be stuck in the throat causing him to make rough sounds.

He tapped his earpiece rapidly signaling he was not okay. Mattsun alerted the others and they proceeded with caution.

The man looked down at Kageyama and dodged his attacks, as Kags was still recovering. The man had white hair with black tips on the under, just long enough to show.

A blink and he was gone. Mattsun heard more tapping from his headset and it was Semi. Whoever was doing this was precise and intentional with their movements.

Akaashi spoke into his mic. "People are getting taken out one by one. Gravitate to the center of the room."

Tsukishima and Tendou moved cautiously. Tdukishima heard a few footsteps behind him and whipped around quickly.

"It's just me," Oikawa said and shrugged. "I'm going towards the middle, if you find out who's targeting us say through the mic." And with that he walked off casually.

Tsukki scoffed once Oikawa had left and continued to walk through the tall bookshelves. He cautiously went isle by isle checking his blind spots often when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

He saw the man and aimed his gun. "Akaashi it's Kita," he said into the mic and backed away slowly. Kita smiled a little and took a step forward for every step Tsuki took back.

"You crows should have planned better," Kita said. Tsukishima noticed his hands were empty, but his waistband carried a glock 43.

"We got this far didn't we?" Tsukki smirked. He was still backing up with Kita following, leading him into the middle where Akaashi and Tendou could back him up.

As this thought played in his mind Kita seemed to know exactly what what happening. He stopped following him and walked behind another bookshelf, disappearing from sight.

His next target being Tendou.

Tendou drew his gun and turned on a corner seeing Kita's forehead about a foot away from his gun.

"How'd you know I'd be there?" Kita wondered.

"Just a guesss," Tendou said and lunged toward him.  He aimed to hit Kita with his gun, but he dodged in time. Kita took a calm step back.

He took a step back right into the tip of Akaashi's gun.

"Game over Kita," Akaashi said. Kita's body froze for a second, then an unexpected chuckle left his mouth.

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