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Contains: blood, cursing


"We'll come after you fucks!" Atsumu yelled as the safe room party, Sakusa, and y/n exited the safe room.

"See ya y/n!" Osamu called. Her eyebrows furrowed and she kept walking. Iwaizumi grabbed her arm carefully and they kept moving.

They took two elevators, one group waiting for the other for a small time. Sakusa led them through the building, dodging workers and finding a safe way to lead them out.

"You're going to get to your van and drive to away. I'll be in contact," Sakusa said and closed the van door. Goshiki started driving and Mad Dog informed from the passenger's seat.

"Akaashi's been shot," he said. All our heads shot up. "Yeah Sakusa got that group out first and Akaashi is holding out until they get to the meeting point."

"Is it lethal? Where was he shot? Is he okay??" Bokuto said almost jumping from his seat.

"He got shot in the arm that's all I know," Kyoutani said.

"Bokuto calm down.." y/n said trying to keep him from acting out. This was news to all of them.

"I am calm!" He said violently. "Fuck I'm sorry. Can I use your com to check in with them?"

Goshiki handed an ear piece to Kyoutani, who then handed it to Bokuto.

"I'm connecting you to Semi," Goshiki said multitasking on driving and connecting the communicator. "Go ahead."

"Semi," Bokuto said quietly trying not to scare him.

"Bokuto... Akaashi he," Semi replied in a shocked tone.

"Is he still alive?" Bokuto asked, all hun patience pouring into this conversation.

"He's breathing. We're on our way to the hospital around Kamomedai. He said to keep driving but I don't know if we'll make it there," Semi said sounding stressed through the com.

"Just ignore him and get him to a hospital. We'll follow you guys, just make sure he doesn't die," Bokuto sighed. Y/n put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

She rubbed her hand a few times and then leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees. "Akaashi's life isn't worth the One Piece or the Tessaiga or whatever," she mumbled rubbing her face gently.

"Y/n he's gonna be okay," Iwaizumi said from her other side. He wrapped an arm around her and she leaned to him.

The car only carried Bokuto's voice asking questions Semi couldn't answer. His voice grew even more hopeless the more he spoke. He let out a frustrated groan and put the small com into y/n's hand.

She looked at it confused and looked at Bokuto who ran his hand anxiously through his hair.

"Semi?" She asked into the com.

"Y/n!" He said. "Fuck I'm glad you're okay, Kenma said you didn't go with them and everyone was worried."

Y/n couldn't help but smile a little. "Thank Semi, I'm okay I just feel like this project won't be worth it if Akaashi..." she looked at Bokuto. "If Akaashi doesn't make it."

"I think everyone agrees with you there, hey Kageyama wants to talk to you. I'll see you soon okay?" He said and handed his com over after hearing her "okay."

"Y/n?" Kageyama's voice came through clear as day. Although he sounded like he couldn't breathe.

"Kageyama.. have you been..?" She guessed he had been crying by the tone of his voice.

"Yeah, yeah everything happened so fast," he said. With each word y/n's heart tightened. She couldn't stand Bokuto loosing it, Semi not sounding like himself, and now Kageyama crying so far from her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wish I was there with you," y/n said and choked. Her eyes glossed causing her to blink repetitively.

"Y/n I just don't know what to do. For the first time I don't know what to do," he said and breathed sharply through his teeth.

Y/n covered her mouth trying not to cry even though everyone around her knew she was. Daichi, sitting across from her, tapped her shoe with his. She looked up, looking lost.

"It's gonna be okay," he mouthed. She nodded and spoke into the com.

"Kageyama I need you to make sure Akaashi has pressure on his arm okay?" Y/n said trying to give him a small task to focus on.

"Okay I can do that," he said. "Y/n told me to keep pressure on his arm." Y/n heard Kageyama say.

In the other van, Tendou moved so Kageyama could take his place. Kageyama knelt down to Akaashi's level and placed another cloth on his arm. He pushed down gently at first, then harder.

Y/n mentally thanked Tendou for understanding the situation.

"Kags I'm gonna let you focus on that okay? I'll see you soon," y/n said earning an okay from him.

She took the ear piece out and handed it back up front.

"I told him we'd watch Cloud Atlas after this damn it," Bokuto said still clearly upset. "I just need to be with him."

Goshiki couldn't drive any faster. If he did they might get pulled over and caught.

The car was solemn and quiet after Bokuto had settled down. It had been a while since someone said anything.

"Kyoutani, the com," Goshiki announced. Kyoutani grabbed it and listened.

"Y/n Akaashi's at the hospital he started groaning before we got him there and he saying something, but we couldn't understand. I'm in the van with a few others and Oikawa is talking to the doctor there." Kageyama said through the com.

"This is Kyoutani, but thanks I'll tell the others," he said catching the attention of the others. He looked up, "Akaashi is at the hospital."

It seemed like a breath we'd all been holding was let out. If he held on for the car ride there, he would hopefully be okay. If it was in the arm it might not be as lethal as we think.

Y/n looked at Bokuto again. He looked absolutely crumbled. Even though there was good news he was still stirring with curiosity and anxiety.

A/n: WiLl AkAaShI lIvE oMg !!1!11!??1?1

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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