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A few months later...

Y/n's POV

Everyone was beyond ready. The combat was immaculate. The knife throwing was perfect. The snipers were precise. And the shooters were always accurate.

All we had left was the plan. Akaashi had spent many long nights working with blueprints and separate plans. Some nights I stayed up working with him. I felt like I should because he asked me specifically and the rest joined by their own decision.

I mostly helped with diversions and putting people in different places. Since I had spent more time with all of them it was easier if Akaashi left that to me.

Of course over the past three months everyone got aquatinted.

Kuroo and Bokuto got along extremely quick and tried to rope Tsukishima in with them, except he'd hang around me for the most part.

Kenma and I became really close, mostly when working with the plan. In our free time we'd play animal crossing in each other's town.

The whole team's chemistry worked really well together.

Today we have a run through of the plan and tomorrow we have a physical run through. If Akaashi, Kenma, and my plan goes smoothly. We'll be right on schedule.

I was with Akaashi planning when Daichi came in. "You guys said something is happening today?" He asked.

"It seems you're the only one who remembers," Akaashi said and went back to looking over the plan.

"Yeah.. do you mind calling everyone in for the meeting?" I asked him. He smiled and went to yell for everyone.

I walked around the table and put out the prints we made for them to study.

People started coming in and sitting down. Since we had 25 people a lot would have to stand, but it was always entertaining watching them compete for a chair.

Once everyone was in and looking at the papers Akaashi started.

"This is the plan we will follow if the runthough tomorrow goes perfectly. So listen or you'll be lost tomorrow," he said and then stepped back for me to speak. We all knew that last remark was aimed at Bokuto so it wasn't personal.

I stepped up to the front and turned on the PowerPoint.

"Okay guys you really need to listen because everything I'm about to say is crucial," I started. "Inarizaki'd bank has 4 levels. The safe, main level, offices, and then an unknown level. We are guessing the treasure will be in the unknown level, but we are still going to search the safe."

"Does the treasure have a name?" Semi asked. "It should at least have a cool name we're risking our lives for it."

A few nodded and then everyone looked at me.

"How about Oikawa?" Oikawa said from his seat. Everyone groaned but he frowned.

"Maybe if you had gone to Shiritorizawa naming a 50 million prize after yourself would fit," Ushijima said and looked over at Oikawa.

"So what do you think we should name it Waka-kun," Tendou asked and rested his hand under his chin.

"Ushijima," he said an everyone lost it. But to avoid his confusion we all covered our laughing with coughing, sniffling, pained expressions and a lot more.

"How about the One Piece," Lev said from the back.

"Like the pirate treasure?" Akaashi asked.

"Yeah I guess," Lev replied and rubbed the back of his neck. "I just read something about the One Piece and the huge value so I thought it fit."

"I like it Lev," I said to him and continued. "So we will have two parties searching for the One Piece. One on the unknown level and one on the safe floor. We will have individuals making sure we go through without a trace also. This means a few people diverting people's attentions, planting false evidence, and doing all the dirty work for the two parties. We will have a have a truck where our tech people will work with cameras and security. Then our snipers will be placed around the building. We have the tech van and a pick up van. The van will meet at each rondevu point and pick everyone up. In your papers you will find what position you will be in."

Here was the list:

Safe floor party: Daichi, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Yamamoto, Ushijima, Shirabu, and Sarukui (mostly gunmen, two self defense and gunmen)

Unknown floor party: Tsukishima, Kageyama, Oikawa, Akaashi, Semi, and Tendou (smart and tough, all professional gunmen)

Tech van: Kenma, Mattsun, Goshiki, and Kyoutani (all were trained  and can hack anything, except for Kyoutani, but he was there for their protection)

Snipers: Noya, Yaku, Komi (self explanatory)

Distracters: Y/n, Lev, Kuroo, Makki, and Konoha (two knife professionals, all gunmen, and two self defense)

"After much training, we decided this is what you all would be best with," I said after they told me they had read it.

"So we'll go through all your positions and then how they work together," Akaashi said. "The heist is in two weeks so we'll be running the plan everyday for at least 10 days. You will know this plan like the back of your hand by the heist date or you will be replaced."

"Akaashi..." Kenma said quietly. "You know we need everyone here and there's no one to replace one of us."

"This is a one time deal. No one can screw up," he said and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry," he said and walked out.

Bokuto followed and so did the rest of Fukurodani.

"Akaashi is right. This is a big deal and we can't afford any dilemmas. Everyone needs to be putting in 120%," I said after he left. "But remember I have faith in all of you."

A/n: I'm so happy this book is being put out now
Also do y'all want me to respond to comments?

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