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--3rd Person POV--


The safe floor party was still seated waiting for Ojiro, Makki and Konoha flirting with the waitress while watching the security guards they had located in the lobby, and Y/n and Kuroo waiting for a Suna to help them open a bank account.

The safe room party looked up as a handsome black man approached their table. "I'm Ojiro, I apologize for the wait, let's get you guys set up," he said and they followed him through the lobby and into the main building. They checked their surroundings cautiously as they followed Ojiro.

He led them into the huge elevator and they silently ascended to the top floor.

Goshiki, their tech guy, was freaking out. "Why are you guys going up?" He asked into the mic.

"Isn't the safe below the bank?" Daichi asked calmly.

"Yes, but we have some paper work to do," Ojiro replied and then back to silence.

Goshiki listened through his mic and curiously checked the cameras. Each tech guy had a visual of the two lobbies and all their space, the space outside the elevators on each level including the unknown level, and outside of the closed offices. Goshiki frowned and tried to find more surveillance to hack into.

The safe room party exited the elevator as Goshiki watched from his monitor.

At about the same time y/n and Kuroo were approached by a man with dark hair sweeping to the sides of his head, in a white suit. He was adjusting his cuff when he spoke up to them. "Sorry for the wait, we've been doing some work with the building and I was needed."

"Work with the building?" Kenma thought and contacted the other vans immediately.

"That's fine, we're ready to start though," Kuroo said.

"I bet you are," Suna's eyes pierced into Kuroo's. "Let me show you the bank quick and then we'll set you up for a shared account," He said. This made y/n uneasy. She was tough of course, but Suna's body language was hard to read.

"Thank you for taking the time to show us around," Y/n added to soften the tension. Suna looked down at her and smirked. He nodded and they went through the lobby.

"This building has been in the Inarizaki name for years. The architecture resembles a gothic style and as you can see, our banners are specifically Inarizaki. The marble we are walking on was placed by the great great great grandfather of the current owner, Kita Shinsuke. It was a thank you gift from the French."

Suna talked about the building, reciting the script the Inarizaki team committed to memory.

"Here we walk through what we call the Square," Suna said as they walked under the middle section between lobbies. It was a wide square, above them the offices the safe room party was in right now.

The safe room party signed the papers and Ushijima shook hands with Ojiro. The jewel, cheaper than what they told Ojiro satiated clutched in Shirabu's hands.

They exited his office and made their way to the elevator. "One more stop," Ojiro said and pressed the lobby button. This confused the team, but Daichi asked about it.

"The lobby?" He said and Ojiro turned around to face him.

"We have a basic security check you understand?" Ojiro said and turned around. In Ojiro's head he added one sentence. "You understand right? You have your own bank."

They got down to the lobby, stepping out of the elevator. They saw Y/n and Kuroo walking with Suna but followed Ojiro into a room by the bathroom.

When he opened the door they followed him in. "This is just standard. Take off your suit jacket and we'll put a metal detector to you."

The guys took off their jackets and set them on the nearby table. Shirabu as well Ojiro and another man, Ojiro called him Ginjima, raised the metal detector across their bodies.

Nothing to be found on them.

"Great! Let's take that jewel and put it somewhere safe," Ojiro said and led them back into the elevator and into the safe room below the bank.

As they enter the elevator they saw Suna once again, explaining the history behind some of the murals to y/n and Kuroo.

Y/n and Kuroo nodded happily as they listened to Suna go on about the building and history.

Down the elevator the safe room party went, all standing awkward. 

When the elevator made a "ding" the doors opened revealing two men. One with  bleach yellow and an undercut and another with grey hair and an undercut. 

"Ojiro!" The one with yellow hair greeted him. He lifted his arm to wave and his SWAT-like jacket lifted revealing a glock 17 9mm strapped to his waist. 

"Atsumu, Osamu, here are our clients," Ojiro said and they nodded to the group before them. "We'll be by the vault."

The two watched them go down the long hallway and into the vault. Going back to what they were doing before, they turned and left them to Ojiro. 

The vault, as Inarizaki called it, was massive. It was bigger than they realized and prepared themselves. Ojiro was unlocking the vault in front of them as they thought. Once the "click" of the vault was heard. Ushijima nodded and they moved quickly. 

Shirabu unlatched the brief case with the jewel in it only to reveal a case full of 8 hand guns. One for each and an extra. Ushijima roughly shoved Ojiro out of the way and Sarukui, Yamamoto, and Shirabu guarded it protectively. 

Ojiro called out and they heard footsteps. Daichi looked around the corner and saw the twins rushing them. 

Ojiro got up and pulled his gun. A second faster Bokuto head slammed Ojiro and disarmed him quickly (he got moves like Tanjiro). In the case there was also rope, zip ties, and handcuffs. Ojiro stumbled back and turned away holding his face, only to be punched again by Yamamoto. 

Ojiro fell with a grunt and stayed down. Sarukui tied him up and threw him to the side.

The twins reached the vault room about the same time Ojiro was punched. They aimed their guns at each other and came to a stand still. 

They were just inside the vault when they decided to back up some, blocking off the hallway. 

"Yer not getting outta here alive," Atsumu said in a devilish tone. 

"It's seven against two. We also have one of your guys," Bokuto said keeping his gun still. 

Daichi, Bokuto, and Ushijima guarded the entrance into the vault room as Atsumu and Osamu were about 10ft away in the hallway. 

Yamamoto, Sarukui, and Shirabu behind them, working on the safe. 

Osamu's eyes widened. 6. There was 6 of them. 6. No there were 7 to begin with.

Then they heard it. The cock of two guns right behind their heads.

Iwaizumi Hajime (24) professional gunman. 

"Get on the floor. You're cornered," he said deeply. 

As they hesitantly got on their knees, Osamu thought through the last ten seconds. They rushed through the hall stopping right inside the safe room. They both looked to the right to see if Ojiro was seriously damaged. 

A two second period where they weren't watching their left and they were also inside the room, leaving a gap to the hallway. Iwaizumi must have slipped through, corning them.

A/n: AAHH that was lowkey intense and I am still debating on how to end it, but phew it'll only get more intense ;)

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