
750 35 5

Contains: blood, guns


"Komori, I'm getting y/n," Sakusa said while sprinting through the building. He ran up the stairs effortlessly and shot down the hall where Suna had taken y/n.

He slowed down quietly towards the door and readied his gun in his hand. He had the gas mask hanging on his belt, a medical mask now covering his face.

In the other side of the room the Inarizaki team sat impatiently.

"Why hasn't Kita contacted us?" Omimi asked out loud.

"Maybe our team wiped him out," Makki said dazed. Omimi scowled at him and turned to Suna.

"I'm going to go see what's taking them so long," he said. Sakusa heard and backed around the corner. When Omimi had exited the room and started closer to Sakusa, Sakusa bent down to the floor.

As soon as Omimi had rounded the corner Sakusa gave him a powerful uppercut sending him back and knocked out. Sakusa shook the sting from his hand and went to the door.

From what it sounded like Suna was in the room. Sakusa thought to himself. The guards were taken out by Komori when they went to the back exit. So yeah Suna would be the only one left in the room.

Sakusa rapped on the door with his elbow and pressed his body on the opposite wall. Suna opened the door only to be punched right in the face.

He stumbled back and Sakusa pushed him down on the ground. He proceeded to kick him in the jaw, knocking him out.

He scanned the room and walked to y/n despite Makki, Konoha, and Kuroo's threats.

Y/n started moving away from him, squirming to get beside one of her comrades.

"I'm Sakusa from the Itachiyama Bank. I'm here doing a favor and saving your asses," he said. He started uncuffinf y/n first with the keys he stole from Suna.

He tossed the keys to y/n and she uncuffed the rest of them.

"I'm getting you all out and then going back in for the last group," Sakusa said as they all stood up.

They followed him to the exit where he led the last group. He didn't talk much, only to give them commands.

"Go out to your vans and leave. Akaashi's group has already left and you all need to leave as well," he said. He turned his back and started walking back in.

"Wait!" Y/n's voice called after him. "I'm coming I have to."

He stopped and looked at her. "Y/n..."

She glared at him. "I'm going. It's just the safe room party right? And they're in a good position," she said trying to make an argument. "So I'm going."

She walked up the stairs and let out a relieved sigh when she heard his footsteps following them.

"They're in the vault floor," he said shortly. She didn't exactly know who she was working with, but the Itachiyama name sounded very familiar.

If she wasn't mistaken, she heard one of the Miya Twins, maybe Atsumu and Sakusa had a falling out. Maybe that's why she knew his name.

"Move," he said quickly and pushed her behind him. She was against his back, almost hugging him. Her hand reached for her knife and she held it behind her own back.

"Two guards, you take one and I'll take one. After that, get into the elevator," he whispered over his shoulder.

He stepped out and went at the bigger guard. Y/n rushed the other and cut their hip, passing them. They tilted towards her and she turned knocking them to the floor with her non dominant shoulder.

They groaned and slowly got up. She picked two more identical knives from her ankle strap and held them between her fingers.

She pulled one knife by her ear and threw it. It sliced the guard's bicep and stuck into the wall. They jolted back only to be stuck by another knife sticking from their shin.

Before y/n threw the last knife Sakusa had knocked him out in one punch.

"Don't waste my time," Sakusa said and walked to the elevator. He pushed the button while Y/n gathered her knives, then joining him in the elevator.

"Stand to the side, they'll probably shoot anything that comes down," Sakusa said pressing himself to the side wall. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.

"Step out now," Iwaizumi said from the other end of the hall.

"Iwaizumi It's me, Sakusa's with me so don't shoot," y/n said as she peeked her head out slowly.

"Y/n," Bokuto breathed out a sigh of relief and pulled her into a hug, meeting her half way down the hall.

Y/n And Sakusa walked into the vault room and they started explaining the situation.

"I'll get you out it's pretty straightforward now," Sakusa said. "Whenever you're ready."

"Yeah go on Omiomi play the hero, you bastard," Atsumu let out and we all turned to him. "Just wait 'til something happens and he doesn't like it, he'll stab ya in the back!"

"Shut your mouth already!" Yamamoto yelled at him.

Y/n looked over at the Inarizaki members sitting on the floor. She made eye contact with Osamu and turned away quickly.

She made small conversation with Shirabu trying to not think of them.

"Hey y/n," Osamu called to her. She kept her back towards him and tried to continue her conversation. "Y/n."

"Osamu," she turned to him. "Don't talk to me."

"C'mon you know if Karasuno teamed up with Inarizaki we could join and ultimately shut down these other banks," he said trying to get to her.

"I don't want to," she said quietly. "Not after the shit you've pulled."

"Oh but Fukurodani can turn you guys against each other?"

She glared at him. "Shut up. You don't know anything. You don't deserve the power you have!" She said and crouched by him. "Fukurodani did that so we could take Inarizaki down a notch. You are just a powerhouse that needed to be stopped."

She got up and walked over by Sakusa. "Y/n were ready to go," he informed her.

"Good let's go then," she said and glanced back at the group on the floor.

A/n: so so so sorry I forgot to update ! I saw a comment and was like ... fuck haha

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