
855 43 22

Contains: weapon usage

—y/n's POV—


I got up along with everyone else, ate quickly and scrambled to get my things ready. Kuroo and I's appointment was at 11am, but we were going to be in the van the whole time before that.

I grabbed my purse and placed my phone, fake id and cards, fake paperwork, and chapstick in it. I wore sneakers that looked fancy in case I had to run. It would be fine though...

I dressed and went into the main area where everyone else was dressed as well. Most in all black, shirts and pants, loaded with weapons.

Everyone put their luggage back into the van and we wiped the warehouse down, leaving no trace of ourselves.

I was not in a bullet proof vest due to my clothes, but it would make me less suspicious. I was armed with a few knives stashed away on my person.

"Y/n pull your butterfly knife," Konoha said to me.

I pulled it out quickly and held it before me, ready to defend. Konoha smiled and nodded. "You're ready," he said and left me to close and place the butterfly knife back into my bra.

I was nervous. I could tell everyone else was too, but we were more than ready.

"Let's load up!" Daichi's voice called. We all went into our vans and drove to the drop off sight about a block away.

-3rd Person POV-

Makki and Konoha had already left into the building. Kenma had monitors on both of them, so no one was too worried right now.

The safe room party would go in at 10:30 for their op ointment at 11. With enough time to search and alert the unknown party whether the One Piece was in the safe or not.

The unknown floor would sneak off at 12 while Kuroo and y/n we're getting a special tour since they were "big and important clients."


Daichi, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Yamamoto, Ushijima, Shirabu, and Sarukui all exited their van and walked around the block to the Inarizaki bank.

They entered the bank and made their way to the front desk. Ushijima spoke to the receptionist and she called a number on the phone.

"Ojiro-san, yes they're here for their deposit," the receptionist said quietly and then hung up. "You can take a seat by the café it might take a minute."

They all went towards the cafe, entering and sitting at a large table. Shirabu held the armored case in his lap as he idly brushed his bangs out of the way.

Makki and Konoha watched the group snickering to themselves.

"Iwaizumi's face is so stoic you'd think he's trying to do an impression of Ushijima," Makki said and laughed into his arm.

"Bokuto's actually trying to look like Ushijima," Konoha laughed and tried to mask it by drinking some of his coffee. Konoha looked over at Bokuto cautiously. Bokuto had a serious face on and his eyebrows were furrowed until they looked like nike symbols. 

"Can I get you two gentlemen anything else? Another coffee, sandwich... a snack?" The waitress bent over to pour some more coffee into Konoha's cup and gave him a smirk. Konoha's eyes widened and he grinned. 

"I'll have a roast beef sub," He answered.

"And for you hun?" she turned to Makki.

"I'll have the soup of the day," he said and she walked away smiling.

Kenma's voice came through to their ear pieces. "Watch out for her. I'll check the cameras in the cafe to make sure she doesn't try anything. If she stays clean, keep her entertained. It will give you a reason to stick around the bank."

Y/n and Kuroo watched the cameras and laughed at the two from behind the scenes. 

"Okay so we need to establish some things," Kuroo turned to y/n. "Can I wrap my arm around you? And how did we meet?"

"Let's see.. I'll let you hug me, wrap your arm around me.. shoulder and waist, kisses on the cheek. Only the cheek," Y/n said and he smiled at her. 

"Are you sure? Just one on the lips to sell it to whoever is working with us..." Kuroo said, teasing her. 

"Fine," she said and pulled out her bag. She opened it and held out two small chapstick pieces. "Which do you want? Cherry or coconut flavor?" Kuroo pointed to the coconut and she applied it to her lips. 

"Okay now for background, I was thinking we met through a business lunch meeting," Kuroo said and tilted his head.

"Sounds good, what made me fall for you though? Did you have a stunning idea or were you just the handsome boss?" y/n said dramatically. This was actually helping her nerves, so she didn't mind the flirting. 

"It was my ideas," Kuroo said. "And that led to a wonderful marriage of one year and going strong!"

"Wait why only one year?" Y/n asked.

"Because my beautiful wife, we're only 22 and 23. We're business geniuses wanting to start our life off with a shared bank account," Kuroo said and checked his watch. "Time to go," He said and opened the door for her. 

"Ganbatte," Kenma said and Kuroo hummed in response. He shut the van door and walked with y/n on his arm. 

The reached the bank and entered in, walking to the receptionist. "How may I help you two?" She asked.

"We're opening a shared bank account. The name is Furudate," He added and the girl gasped. 

"Oh I'm sorry Furudate-san, let me call Suna-San down, he'll be helping you today," She said and picked up her reception phone, taking quietly to the person on the other line. "He's on his way. He might take a minute, you can wait in the cafe though," She smiled and y/n and Kuroo went over to the cafe.

They leaned on the wall and watched the people around them. Casually people watching they were very much aware of how close the groups were. It was almost 


A/n: I will be spreading these out, but writing more and hopefully publishing a chapter in the span of 1-2 days of each other    :D

nice kill. | haikyuuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang